Godcard [Roleplay Thread]

have you come to wish me a great afterlife?

(what exactly does your gen 2 do?)

(I learn someones status of death)

(what does that mean)

(do I really need to explain?)

(yes. status on death, as in how they feel about the concept? Status of death, as in whether they’re dead or not? i have no idea)

(maybe dama can exclaim I have other stuff to do right now)

Lucille BlackNight: she is sleeping in her bed right now but awakes up due to the front door bell being rang and when she checks no one is there but they slide a card under her door

whats this?

she checks the card out

Jacob leaves mabel and his apartment behind him and heads to the library to continue his research on the cards.
(What’s the library looking like right about now? normal?)

The library is still closed. Some construction is going on there.

Lilian Consultation is moved to Delphi Magic Shop

A sign says followed by an address

Jacob heads to the Delphi Magic Shop.
“I thought they just sold gags and props… Don’t tell me they’re related to this godcard business too…” he thinks aloud.

(hey dama do I get 2 cards or just the god card?)

(Both business and god card)

(can you read the business card for me?)

You have received the power of the ancients. The card is at your disposal and for you to decide what to do with it. Be minded that damage to the card may potentially reduce its power. Questions? Ask Lilian White for details in City Library.

It says on the back. The front of the card has the writing Olympus Group on it.

Lilian white? the missing girl

“Murry, sweetheart, how have you been?”

A short woman burst into a hug as soon as she sees Muriel. A fair hair on one, a black hair on another. It’s hard to see that they are sisters.

Muriel: Nice to meet you too, Meriam.
Meriam: Ugh. Mary! Call me Mary, Muriel. Meriam makes me feels like a grandma.
Muriel: Nonsense. It suits you well.

While the sisters are off in their own world, Albert and Isaac are together, in a less friendly manner

Albert: …Isaac
Isaac: Albert, my boy! How have you been?

He just glares

Isaac: You’re still mad? Can’t be helped.

Isaac claps his hand once and takes the attention of the whole room

Isaac: Alright, let’s stop the love and get down to business.

go’s to a nearby dead dying plant and try to use gaia’s hand upon it