Godcard [Roleplay Thread]

Julia goes home from the HQ and sleeps

LIl goes to the forest and sleeps in there

(@Damafaud we were up to the part with you healing Fade)

The glow fades. Fade can feel some recovery, though not to a full extent. Enough for him to be in full health after resting for a few days.

Cal: Done! Just rest for a while and you will be up and proper.

thank you Cal

but after this he grips his heart and screams in pain

Fade is slowey being transformed


Cal: What?
He looks confused

fade is transformed into a ghostly image. you can hear his breathing become heavy and he points to Cal

youā€¦youā€¦killedā€¦meā€¦lordā€¦ofā€¦theā€¦dead with each word there is a pause as he trys to get his breath back

he is hovering above his bed

Cal face pales. Itā€™s on record.

Cal: It doesnā€™t suppose to happen like thisā€¦ Is thisā€¦ A curse?

Yet, he tries to take back some face

Cal: I remember nowā€¦ You have been with the spirits of the cemetery for too longā€¦

(enjoy camera man this is for the world to see)

(Is camera guy following you though?)

(if I canā€™t kill him I can destroy what the people think of them)

whyā€¦whyā€¦ why? whyā€¦didā€¦youā€¦riseā€¦us?

(the camera guy was recording Cal heal me I would assume he is)

Cal: No, thatā€™s not me. I can only help those still in the living world.



a shade appears behind him weā€¦deadā€¦seekā€¦revengeā€¦

the shade attacks him with fade going though the wall disappearing

Cal: Thatā€™s not me!

He glances at the camera

Cal: I was there to fight it! You all have seen it yourselves! The lord of the dead is someone else!

Before the shade can attack him, Cal takes an inhumane sidestep, avoiding the attack

Cal: This doesnā€™t look like a spiritā€¦godcards?