Godcard [Roleplay Thread]

Muriel: Can you visit us later in the day? There’s something important we need to tell you.

M: Sure

Jacob spends about an hour investigating the cemetery looking for clues about the undead / savior angel. (Anything of interest or out of the ordinary at the cemetery? If anyone wants to interact with jacob this is where he’ll be for a bit)

fade in a disguse goes out and walks up to Jacob well hello

“Uh… Good morning. I’m looking for someone… you might have heard of him on the news? The savior angel and the lord of the dead?”
Jacob blushes and looks at his feet embarrassed at how ridiculous he must sound.

Mary searches the web for stuff about the “saviour angel”

no I have not seen him.

“Uh… And what about the rumors of corpses walking around?”

I arrived here only earlyer today and the bodys are still where they were even since last night I think the keepers of this graveyard will work soon

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“I’d like to meet the keeper of the graveyard. He might know something about the savior angel.”
Jacob turns the the man and holds his godcard up “Have you ever seen one of these before?”

he exams it also even since the angel turned the grave keeper into that ghost I have not seen him yet

Several links direct her to the Undead Rising, and a video showing Cal killing the undead. Another link to his confession that his power is given by an angel that appoint him as a saviour for human. Article of his fight against Lord of Undead is also plenty, while some doubt the existence of this evil figure. Older article shows Mrs. Laurels that decided to leave her fortune to the Saviour Angel after being saved by him

Jacob pockets his godcard and shrugs. “Well, he’s got a hell of a job to do today, that’s for certain. Can I help you with anything else, sir? If not i’m just going to hang around until the gravekeeper shows up.”

what makes you think the grave keeper will return after what the lord of death did?

“Well, I believe in spirits, so if nothing else maybe i’ll catch a glimpse of his ghost today? His actual body disappeared from the footage so I believe he could be alive still.”

tell me. do you think he is a angel or the lord of death?

“I’m unsure. I feel as if there was something going on behind the scenes that not all of us might know about.” Jacob glances at his godcard, and then looks back up at the man. “So i’ll just have to figure out the truth for myself.”

and your looking for the grave keeper to do that

So he hangs out by hospitals to help people who are dying

So I’d need to hospitalise someone as bait

But if he senses a trap I’d have killed an innocent

Oh but if I find this Raul guy and nearly kill him, I can trap Cal, kill him before he helps Raul, then kill Raul

She cracks her knuckles

Now how the fuck do I find Raul

“Precisely. I’m trying to find info so I can help save a friend of mine.”
(Something to keep in mind, at ALL times near jacob whenever you try to say a lie you cannot, due to his tier 2 power :stuck_out_tongue: i don’t think you’ve directly lied yet so this is a good time to bring it up (unless you’ve seen yourself in a mirror since the incident.))