Godcard [Roleplay Thread]

(I assume we’re just gonna retcon the shop stuff and save it for another day.)

Jacob awakens monday morning, makes breakfast and proceeds with his normal morning routine. He turns on his TV and notices a news report about the “Savior Angel.”
“Those movements are unnatural… Perhaps a godcard is involved somehow? Or maybe… he really is a saviour angel and the lord of the dead does exist?!”
Being obssessed with the paranormal, Jacob spends a while researching the “Savior Angel and Lord of the Dead.” (Does he find any addresses or phone numbers associated with Cal?)

He finds no address or phone number, but that he usually hangs out in the graveyard

Alice wakes up, goes to the bar, and sleep on the table

I will think about it a bit longer. he hands her his number call me in a few days

Thanks, could I have a few bucks for a prepaid phone?

hands her a 5$ note now please leave us

Will do… will do

She crumples over holding her eye fucking hell

are you sure there is nothing wrong with your eye?

Hospital…now…The blood is seeping out of her eyepatch and into the hand

he gets his phone and calls the hospital

he also talks in a deeper voice

The eyepatch is pointless now and she takes it off revealing her mauled eye

yep its looking fine he says sarcastically

Jacob thinks to himself “Well, I don’t have classes today, and i haven’t found any leads on Raul or Lillian… What could go wrong?” Jacob grabs his tome and card and heads out towards the graveyard in search of Cal.

Shut up…get something…

he something to help her out

Cal isn’t there. In fact, he’s in Rose Bar, hiding from media and drinking. Again. In the morning.

Cal: F*ck… Is Fade a cardholder? I can’t really waltz back to the cemetery now.
Alice: hiccup Aren’t you that guy?
Cal: Hm?

He dimly recognises Alice, who has been sleeping most of the time during the attack

Cal: Aren’t you that drunk girl? You aren’t dead yet?
Alice: A bit rude to say that.

She takes another swig from her bottle, but it’s empty. She summons another one.

Cal: Are you-
Alice: Ahh, this feels good. I’m a bit sleepy. Good night.

Alice sleeps on the table. What a life.

Muriel: Are you sure about that?
Albert: Positive. Lilian said as much in her letter.
Muriel: Won’t we need a cardholder for that?
Albert: True enough. How about Mary?
Muriel: My sister?
Albert: No. Mary McDonald. The woman who has Khione card.
Muriel: She will do. I’ll call her. I wonder where she works?

Mary’s phone would ring

@Monkke @Polikshadowbliss
Miriam: Darling, shouldn’t we start looking for Raul Long and his outfit?
Isaac: No can’t do, Mary. We need to clean our shop first. Clean and proper!

Miriam pouts but doesn’t complain

Elf Stationary is now open just in front of Delphi Magic Shop. The triangle symbol that exists at the back of every godcard is sketched into its window. The same design appears on the magic shop’s window

Mary picks up her phone

Julia goes to HQ

Christina goes to school

Muriel: Sorry for calling, but are you busy?

M: Not right now