Godcard [Roleplay Thread]

Yes, but isn’t better for someone with pretty much no relation to you or empathy to get rid of weeds?

“True… I’ll keep that in mind. I’ll call in the favor at a future date.”
Xander pulls out the small revolver from his jacket and hands it to Lil.
“8 rounds. Make them count.”

Cal finds a skeleton he had revived before.

Cal: Here we go. Rise.

The skeleton shakes… Before it slowly assembles itself and starts to move toward Cal.

Cal: Whoa, easy there. Stop.

It stops. Cal chuckles

Cal: Looks like the fight is not all that useless after all.

He glances at his card, which has a small V on its corner now

Alice: …cool.

She takes another swig from her wine bottle. Pretty sure it wasn’t there.

Cal: …where do you keep all these bottles?

Thanks, she goes by a stump and starts loading the weapon, which will take a while as she hasn’t handled a gun before

“Was that all? Any new information on your card?”

I have a gut read, I plan on threatening someone’s queen with a pawn that is protected by a bishop

Fade and Marcus pull up into there houses drive way

@Ami @Marluxion @Fadeblade

Alice: Want some?
Cal: No thanks.

Cal raises another pair undead. Corpses this time. When suddenly-


A confetti pops

Cal: What the f-
Alice: …whoops.

Alice is holding a confetti in her hand.

Cal: Where the f*ck do you get a confetti here?

he gets out and hears the confetti pop

She is startled and drops the gun and bullet she was loading We aren’t alone, mate

“Chess bores me.” Xander’s ears perk up at what sounds like a gunshot. “Better load that thing quickly.” Xander kicks open the graveyard’s gate and struts inside, looking for what made the noise.

fade go’s to investigate

Cal: Ah, hell no. Drop dead.

The undead is dead. He grabs Alice arm

Cal: We need to get out of here.
Alice: …why?
Cal: Cause that confetti is louder than a f*cking horn in this cemetery

fade runs to the score of the sounds and sees cal and a drunk person

Xander steps inside the cemetary. Looking around for anything that could have made the large noise.
(Does he spot Cal and Alice?)

she finishes loading and puts two pullets in her hoodie and goes to investigate Fade’s house

is on the other side of cemetery

Cal doesn’t see Fade as he is running at opposite direction

he sees cal and yells out CAL!!!

your no longer welcome here old freind

(If he’s on the other side does that mean he runs into xander and lil?:stuck_out_tongue:)