Godcard [Roleplay Thread]

sigh No, she takes out the bullets and put them in the hoodie It’s empty


but i want her at least 5 feet away from you whenever possible

he holds his head out you can keep the bullets but I want the gun

thats a fair compromise

she drops it pick it up if you want it

g i think i have an idea

a shade appears and grabs it and brings it to fade

Now you are just rubbing it in

thank you. he looks to Marcus what was your idea

i dont want her to hear it

shall we speak about it in my room upstairs?

I have a name y’know

we can talk later then. now li li I am gonna make dinner soon would you like anything?

I can feed myself y’know she takes out a wallet Name a place and we can go there, my treat

no thanks but thanks for the offer. I still expect you to clean after what you did

Oh well, she walks out Last chance~

as I said thanks but no thanks

G, this is pressing

she walks out and goes somewhere outside of the graveyard