Godcard [Roleplay Thread]

Mabel takes it.


She walks back to the car.

Raul gets in the SUV and tells the driver

“Take us to the graveyard… I have a feeling we missed something.”

He puts his mask and gloves on once again

“It’s go time.”

Mabel smiles.

(You all messed up! I WILL SHIP RAUL AND MABEL EEKK!! goes to write more fan fic)

@Damafaud @JammySplodge
“Alright. So you need us to keep you safe while we head to this cabin? Or would you prefer we head out to it on our own while you stay safely behind?”

Julia went to look for stuff about the Saviour Angel and then got fucking lost and that’s why she wasn’t with the rest of the team for the things that happened

Looks like all blocked out. This construction company is weird.

@Marluxion @JammySplodge
Albert: I want to come. Can you lead the way? Oh, take this.

He passes a headlight to Jacob and Mary and takes out a torch for himself

(Headlight as in a helmet with a flashlight light on it? or wuh? )


Jacob puts on the headlight and starts walking into the forest, bow in his hands. “I’ll take point. Both of you hang back a little bit so you aren’t in such a dangerous spot.” (Jacob makes sure to follow albert’s directions as he’s walking.)

I appreciate the concern but I’m sure I can protect myself perfectly fine

Albert nods

Albert: Mary is strong. I have seen her fight. Let’s head north from here.

Jacob nods to both Mary and Albert. “I’ll trust you to keep close to Albert so nothing can harm him then. I’m counting on you.”

(and the journey north begins)

@Marluxion @JammySplodge

As it name implies, the forest is dominated by evergreen trees such as pine trees. It was dark, but the scarce and thin leaves let some light passes.

Wolves’ howl

Raul and his crew walk up to the gravekeeper’s door and knock on it


And a few mutated rabbits can be seen nearby

fade looks though the peep hole who is it?

“A person who’s interested about Cal.”

what do you want with him?