Godcard [Roleplay Thread]

he heads to the hospital

he enters the room with marcus

when he is alone he uses deaths sight on him

(@Damafaud what results do I get from my death’s sight on marcus?)

None. There isn’t even a lifeline, yet the body is visibly breathing, albeit weakly.

lack of a soul. its the only way to explain. Marcus everything I do is for you. I will do as your parents wished. I will bring you back if I must trade my soul to the devil. your everything to me Marcus a tear go’s down his eye

Raul calls Fade

“Any leads on Cal?”

there is a drunk girl. I am having her give him my phone number. I intend to set a meeting up at the graveyard


depends when he calls you will be the 1st person to know the meeting

I just need time

“Got it. Good job.”

do you have the card?

Cal visits Rose Bar again to meet Alice, who is as drunk as ever

Cal: Hello, beautiful.
Alice: hiccup want a drink?
Cal: I sure do. It’s though job doing charity, I tell you. I want to get wasted for a bit.

He takes a gulp from the nearest bottle. And almost burst it out

Cal: …why do you have wine in a bar like this? Bartender, cocktails, please!


what about lil tho? whats her state?

“Taken care of.”

(Wait, you guys never use cash?)

(we do simon but we also have card its easyer then carrying a lot of money around)

is that what I think it is? if so I don’t think we can use her

( EU is all about the cards. They’re safer than american ones too)