Godcard [Roleplay Thread]

“Investigating Olympus Group is hopeless, do you know anyone who was previously or currently is working with Olympus Group? We can’t catch them otherwise.”

well all level 0 agents that worke dfor olympus group have ben cut of by the organisation, no idea why. There are 2 live at this address and own the dlephi magic shop insert address They’re the people I mentioned I visited last time I was here. They are now information brokers but I got a feeling they’re more the goodkind of people.

but now onto the grimoire and notebook, I haven’t bothered reading them yet.

Thomas opens the notebook with Drynold looking over his shoulder, what’s in it?

12th of September

Agent F visited me and told me there will be a construction. Agent F also loves the library. The construction will be interesting. Raul tried to kidnap me, but he failed. The weather was cloudy. It was a bit cold.

"I guess Raul really liked to kidnap… but who is this “Agent F…?” "


Thomas raises an eyebrow

Maybe a messenger for the organisation with a higher level of clearance than miss White had?

Thomas flips some more pages does he find more entries?

(also what date is it in the RP? so i know how recebnt the entry was, year is also welcome)

@Monkke @FadeBlade @Daericul

Theres a knock on the front door

Cal: I’ve been thinking recently about us.

Cal says through phone

( I hanged up)

when Cal knock one of the shades opens it and floats to the kitchen and when he enters the kitchen other one comes out of hiding and locks it again

@FadeBlade @Monkke @Daericul
The masked figure of Saviour Angel walks in without a fear.

Fade’s phone rings again

you hear it from the kitchen and no answer I am in here

Raul eavesdrops a bit

The figure just stands

Raul’s phone rings

He quickly takes out the battery and hopes that Cal never heard that

(would Raul not put his phone on slient?)

( I guess he simply forgot it, and never expected it. )

Cal: Hm… No answer. Oh well.

Meanwhile, in the house, the figure keeps still like a statue.

Cal I am in the kitchen

he walks out to the hallway carrying a coffee what are you doing?

Fade’s phone rings again

(where is Cal right now?)