Godcard [Roleplay Thread]

Raul checks the time, what time is it?

(Keep in mind all this happens at night on Mabelā€™s end.)

(Yeh, I am just waiting it to be morning for us)

Morning comes around and Mabel is waiting for Raul at the library as requested.

Raul wakes up, does his morningā€™s usual routines and takes his car to the library, he sees Mabel there

Youā€™re here, goodā€¦ We have a problem that we need to get rid of.

Mabel frowns underneath the dark mane of hair ensnaring her face and hops down from her perch.
ā€œSo I have heard. We have a slight problem. Our cards.ā€
She takes out her card.
ā€œNotice whatā€™s missing?ā€
She doesnā€™t bother to wait for him to respond.
ā€œThere are no ā€¦ offensive abilities yet. All of them are purely to do with the mind. While I have no doubt offensive abilities will come in time. Right now we are not equipped to take out anyone. Not with our cards anyway.ā€

Raul smiles
We could use her info, her card and definitely not her dealing with our businessā€¦ Sheā€™s a liabilityā€¦ We canā€™t go in guns blazing just yet, so weā€™ll lure her outside. She isnt much of a threat.

(My character probably wakes up a bit later than Monkkes, but a while after Raul arives Jacob would probably start heading towards the library again with the intention to find out more about the card. Iā€™ll jump in eventually :stuck_out_tongue:)

ā€œAnd how do we get rid of her?ā€

Raul lights a cigarette and says

Ill have to go inside and be a little bitch and apologize. If that works Iā€™ll ask her for a drink, I can do it thanks to my cardā€¦ If that doesnā€™t work, we do it the hard way, questions?

(Cool mate, your RP char is good)

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ā€œNone so far.ā€
(That moment when you donā€™t know if anyone actually likes your character.)

Good. You stay here, Iā€™ll tell you when.

Raul walks inside the library, what does he see?

(Mabel is cool too mate :slightly_smiling_face:)

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Mabel waits outside.

Marcus rises from his bed like any other boy on any other day, but unlike any other boy, he rises intoa graveyard, patiently waiting for grievers and guiding them to the proper grave, and wherever possible listening to them or offering guidance. He doesnā€™t smile, he never does, because death is nothing happy, but he does take pride in his work he whistle he whistles a Melancholy tune as he does his work.

(Dama say the word if you want to do this differently) in his graveyard he has a mailbox for people who canā€™t make it to the graveyard in order to send flowers. Now, now most people prefer to do this in person rather than through the mail but he still checked it everyday just in case and on this day he found a peculiar box in the box.

(So she goes home and is now walking around town. That good @Damafaud?)

well officer there was a little girl threatening to harm us with a knife. we feared for our safety

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Jacob would probably start arriving as Raul enters the library. He notices Mabel outside the front door and approaches. (but obviously doesnā€™t notice Raul otherwise he wouldnā€™t just be nonchalantly walking up to the front door :stuck_out_tongue: )

ā€œ2 Cards?ā€ How Weird. Why would some send me 2 cardsā€¦

Matthew is inspecting both of the cards