Godcard [Roleplay Thread]

Brakx is sitting up excited to see what happens next

@PolikShadowbliss @Queen_Alfa @FadeBlade @Braixen

“Isn’t school boring? Why isn’t there a lottery at school where you can succeed through luck? Well now you can! The five people I have mentioned own a special trading card of Myth! A vintage trading card Principal Teacher has lent to them. Any student that hold the card at the end of the day…”

“Full tuition, recommendation for their own choosing of university, and the right to skip one of the required class!”

“The starting time is… Now! See you at the end of school!”

The speaker crackles off

How boring. That’s it?

Misty is hypervelilenting.


Mabel has a smile on her face.

Terrible liar

It crackles back to life

“Extra card can be exchanged for $10, 000 each!”

It dies again

Hey Proffessor Apple, whats your name?

From behind the door, the secretary says,

“I don’t know what are you doing, but some students are already here. Please leave the office.”

I rather not have to kill someone today. So, who wants to team up prehaps? he has a evil like smirk

I think I understand the game

Mabel walks outs and goes to the bathroom.

Secretery I have a question, are you relating to this?

Some girls are there. Holding cutters

Turns recorder on


“Hello girls.”

She smiles.

lucille rushs to the door and slams it shut

Looks at Lucille I don’t believe locking us in this room is a good idea.

Lucille want a tranquilizer? Or are you fine?