Godcard [Roleplay Thread]

The front of the card has the picture of an archer on it. Karna, the divine archer is written below. A small I exists on the bottom right of the card

Astra Bow is written on its back with an explanation. A triangular symbol is the background

Miriam: Don’t worry! Because Mary will protect her sister and pathetic lover!
Albert: W-who are you calling pathetic?!
Isaac: The man who hasn’t confess for seven years!

Miriam and Isaac do a high five. Albert is completely flustered. His face is red

Jacob pats Albert on the back.
“You’ll get there someday.”

“Wait, what is this? A new card game?” Petrus smiled and and observed every bits of the card. “Incantation of Astra? Samana?”

Tries to chant the incantation of Astra

He gives Miriam and Isaac an envious glance as he walks downstairs

A bow appears in his hand. He feels a quiver suddenly attached to his back

Put down his bow slowly in disbelieve

“This is not real! This is impossible!!!” Petrus looked confused, yet, the glimmer of curiousity did not left his eyes. “Oh, maybe the other card contain more information. Let me see who the hell send this peculiar cards.”

Observe white card

Instead of a figure, it seems to be a business card.

You have received the power of the ancients. The card is at your disposal and for you to decide what to do with it. Be minded that damage to the card may potentially reduce its power. Questions? Ask for details in Olympus Library.

It says on the back. The front of the card has the same triangular symbol on it

Walking with Albert, Jacob speaks up “So… want some help with Muriel?”

“Olympus Library. I know the place.” He pondered and noticed a phone number “Maybe i should call this number and ask what is the deal. Is this some sort of experiment?”

Tries to call the number

is keeping a eye on the kid at convenience store while trying to stay hidden

Sophie goes to her apartment and checks the time with her power (time?)
(also still thinking of a good 2nd gen)

Albert: I can do it myself.

he says stiffly

Muriel’s phone rings.

“Yes, how can I help you?”

The boy exits carrying a white plastic bag in hand. As he walks down the street, a pair of hands suddenly pulls him into an alley

“What are you- umph!”


“Ahh,my name is Peter Trusdale. It seems that i received a package which contains the phone number written on a card.” Petrus composed himself.

“Would you kindly explain why such package was sent to me? Is it for experiment purpose?”

follows and starts to eavesdrop

keeping as close as I can

(I wish I could RP. But my RP is currently in Limbo.)

Muriel: …is it cards?

The boy and mysterious figure run deeper into the alley

(Ahhh I wish it’s night cause I have something in store for Mabel)

joins them deeper into the alley keeping my distance so they can’t see me

"Yes. One black and one white. The black card has the name of ‘Karna’ engraved. I could summon a bow by using the incantation wrriten there. Very interesting card if I say so myself.

Petrus nodded slightly while still holding his phone.

“What are these things for?”

when she checks the time she sees a new power. Time Distortion The hell is this? I mean the more stuff I can do with this good but it’s odd. She gets the white card she got for more infomation

Muriel: I think you better come directly. It is not something to be explained over phone.

She may missed it before, but there is a phone number on the back of the card