Godcard [Roleplay Thread]

Most people turn their attention back to their coffee, but not all. One of the staff doesn’t seem to be affected, but he’s immersed in his cooking. A few customers stares at her, but doesn’t say anything. The waitress seems to be working a few street down from the cafe.

Mabel just leaves.

Lilian takes a closer look at the ability

Lilian: Crossing into the afterlife is a dangerous ability. It is hard to master, even for a Gen 1 power. Regarding of your father, most spirits does not reside in this world and choose to enter the next realm whether it’s Hades Underworld or Osiris Court.

The waitress stares vacantly for a while. Then she blinks. She looks confused, but before she can think of what just happens, a customer calls her. She goes to take his order.

She texts Raul.

‘Got the weopans."
"Had to leave the cafe.’
“Too many suspicous people.”

Raul sighs

Dont make a scene, we do not need the heat now.
Lilian’s a bit busy, it will take me some time, prepare to get messy tho

fine then, if you wont help, ill find out if its the ability or something else, by testing it
storms out of library, and searches for the cafe, and more specifically mabel
(its you because I as a person know your character has dead parents, otherwise i would use someone in the library)

(How would you know to look for Mabel there?It was a private text.)

(hmm. i was thinking this would be my way into a more generally useful gen 2 power. lets just say im looking for mabel since shes the one ive interacted most with)

Raul walks up to Lillian and coughs
Hello, have a minute?

Lilian: Mr. Raul. My time is free for a cardholder.

so Cal wanna come back to my place? it has been a long night

Cal: Sure. Can’t stay too long, though. I need to go to the hospital later.

I’d like to apologize for my behaviour down at the bar and the fight here. I clearly wasn’t thinking.

goes back to graveyard and approaches most recent grave
so… lets try this out

the hospital is something wrong?

Lilian: Apologise accepted. Be reminded, I will not interfere with matters between cardholders, but I will tolerate no violence inside my library.

A woman is buried there. Her spirit hasn’t leave

Spirit: Someone would need to take care of Muffins… how about my daughter Reyna… Would she remember me? No, I think not.

She keeps mumbling to herself

Cal: Nothing to worry about. It’s just some volunteer work. Community service to also fill my CV.

He gives him an innocent smile

fade takes him to his house

@Simon I am home and I brought a guest fade yells upstairs

Raul silently takes out his black card and it shines, meaning all persuasion attempts have an increased chance of success

Would you mind to take a cup of coffee with me? I’ll pay. It’s least I could do with how I’ve acted.

(what name should i call you by? not dad, as you’re more of a caretaker than a father-figure)

(arent I in the afterlife though? As in, the place souls go when they’ve moved on?)