Godcard [Roleplay Thread]

is jittering to himself too much to respond
he looks a bit calmer as the various people leave

Raul texts Mabel

Get yourself a weapon, evening might get messy

Mabel sighs and looks around for a weopan.

Since Mabel is in a cafe, she could easily get a few knives with her powers

Liars. Everyone is a liar. Small lies, big lies, repeated lies, and lies that spirals to the end of hell. Petty pilferings. Slanders. Everyone a sinner.

Itā€™s a cafe. Does tea tray counts as a weapon? How about hot coffee? Thereā€™s cheap plastic chairs. Maybe she needs to enter the kitchen.

Lilian: Are you all right now?

She looks around the cafe and looks for anyone with weak hearts she can manuplate.

(Dama if you donā€™t mind Iā€™ll GM the cafe scene. Less time for you)

still looks very nervous
can we go somewhere with less people please?

She enters the kitchen.

A fidgety business man is there. Heā€™s in a lot of debt from embezzlement. The waitress is there. She secretly works at a night club

The kitchen is small, but she isnā€™t seen as everyone is too busy.

(I mind since it will involve your character)

Lilian: We could. Let us head for the second floor.
She enters reading area sector B

(Okay, got it)

I- Im sorry about that. Im not quite used being out of the graveyard, and the people donā€™t help

She uses this oppourinty to use her to third gift to ensnare the waitress to her will and she tells her to give her some knifes.

(is the waitress attractive?)

Lilian: No matter. Let us start over. My name is Lilian White. How may I help you?

(Yes? The plain one. Pretty but you wonā€™t really remember her.)

Hmm. Good for a first try. hehehehheheheehh.

Hi, Im Marcus, I help out at the graveyard, and so I got this card? holds up the black one, with Anubis facing her, not the ability Andā€¦ so i tryed it out, yet it doesnt seem to work

As everyone concerns, the waitress only flinches before her eyes turn vacant. She walks into the kitchen.

Staff: Yo, Anna. Whatā€™s the order for table three?

The waitress doesnā€™t answer. The note in her hand is the order for table three. She gives it to him.

Staff: Thanks!

Everyone ignores her. She takes several knives from a cupboard and walks out of the kitchen. Some people raises her eyebrow seeing the knives, but they are all too immersed in their coffee. Heck, they need their coffee. The waitress drop the knives on Mabelā€™s table. People begin to talk.

Lilian: I cannot help with that. Itā€™s up to the cardholders to develop and nurture their abilities.

Mabel takes the knifes and pockets them. Then turns to the rest.
And uses her power to make them all forget what had happened.
Then she turns to the waitress and uses her sin sight to determine where the waitress works for later ā€¦ activities.

No, it did what it said, but not really???
Like here: shows her the ability
I think i traveled there, i saw my body limp after all, but i couldnā€™t find my father