Godcard [Roleplay Thread]

(I am having a nice guest and giving cal some coffee)

(Raul wants all dem cards and so does Mabel. So we created an organization called The Outfit)

The Outfit? Nice name.

Have to pay respects to my cardā€™s figure, no?

(that was for Polik/Monkke)
(But Fade, lets just say we missed each other at the library, as it could make for an interesting reveal later on)

(oh yea we never saw eachother at the libary)




Spirit: You can do that?

The spirit shimmers out of happiness

Spirit: Can you tell my daughter to take care of Muffins? And my ring collections is in the wardrobe secret compartment. Please take care of them. And tell herā€¦ I love her

Cal: No probs.

He takes a sip. And cough. A bit too strong than what he expects.


(No, it doesnā€™t. Not yet.)

(simon: I see dead people)

Looks like we still have time. Letā€™s hit the town and see whatā€™s going on.

Starts driving around the city, is there anything interesting happening?

((for fade) Me)
Sure, may I ask who Muffins is? And where may I find your daughter?

The spirit begins to explain about her cat and where she lives and so on.

Surprisingly peaceful. A house is holding a funeral party. A few blocks away, The Laurels are still being interviewed.

Want to head to a funeral party, Mabel? Or we could chill in my apartment?

I have plans for tonight actually.

he takes careful notes of all this information
Thank You. Im sorry but i must leave now, but it makes me happy knowing you can rest easier now.

We have a few hours before noon, weā€™ll get Lillian then. So I ask what do we do those few hours?

Mabel shrugs

Damn this town is borinā€™. Letā€™s hit the bar. See if anythingā€™s happening.

Raul drives to a nearby bar, anything going on?