Godcard [Roleplay Thread]

(Does Jacob find Lilian at the library? Or has she left for the meeting with Monkke’s character?)

(use parentheses for out of character talk, and i use italics for narration, and bold for actions)
(lets say you can do some stuff before she leaves, because you havent done anything yet)

The bar is half filled. It’s good enough for the day.

Lilian is on the 2nd floor. She’s reading a book

(im waiting on the spirits response)
(just a quick thank you and goodbye)

Let’s head inside, find you something to do. Something to practice your powers on

Jacob walks up and sits across from Lilian. “So… What exactly happened yesterday? I remember getting attacked by some mobster but I think I blacked out.”

Spirit: Thank you…

The spirit flickers and disappears.

Lilian: I got someone to take both of you home. Be reminded that I tolerate no violence in my library.

Fenrir? A Business Card? Is that a Troll? Matthew lets both cards slide into his pocket
hm…the updates seems done…

(i charge ahead becaus of the time)

Updates done. I sleept pretty bad…i dreamed about wolfs who were hunting sun and moon…but thwt cant be, thats history…better looking up at that person on the card.

Matthew goes from his university apartment to the library mentioned on the busines card

“Who was he?” Jacob looks at Lilian inquisitively. “And what more can you tell me of these cards? Someone outside said they could get stronger? Am I going to keep getting attacked over this thing?”

Raul checks the time…what time is it?

(Time checking intensifies)

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Lil is back in the library, smoking

Thomas spends almost the whole morning reading and catching up on the news of the last day, apparently strange miracles have been happening. He also got called but it was a wrong number.

Thomas decides to practice his wind magic before noon. (what basic wind elementary spells can I learn from the book?)

Thomas practices some wind magic spells in the allyway with various objects, to varying degree of succes

This is definitely harder than shooting mana balls eh.

Thomas thinks how he could spend noon useful. While he thinks his toughts dwell off to those miracles and remembers a total fictional phrase that would become very real in this world, “Magic always comes at a price” Something he should never forget. Then Thomas gets an idea. He pulls out his phone and calls Ryan, his partner.

Hey Ryan, you know what’s been going on with these miracles happening on the news? I’m curious and maybe they can help with my personal investigations into strange things. Care to talk over lunch?

Lilian: A cardholder. Raul is the name. As a matter of fact, the more you use the card’s power, the stronger it will become. Olympus Group does not limit what would you do to the card, so some may search for you and your card.

It’s noon. She has to leave now.

Lilian: I need to go for an appointment. You can come if you need to ask more questions.

A librarian approaches her.

Librarian: Put out your cigarettes. The smoke can damage the book.

It’s time to d-d-duel. In other words, it’s noon.

No, I got a damn right to smoke where I want. she sends a threatening glare the librarian’s way

Matthew checks the Business Card if he is at the right Place. Well it should be the right place. I hope. Lets search that Person… Matthew enters the Library

He feels fear, but his love for the book keeps him in his place.
Librarian: You being here is a priviledge. You can take that smoke out or I can the guards to forbid your entrance.

she finishes her cigerette Fine then, she looks like he would straight up stab them if it was more concealed and leaves

A girl leaves. The librarian that glares at the girl now approach him with a smile.

Librarian: Welcome to the library. How might I help you?

"Hello sir, im searching for a person. Her name is…he checks the card Lilian White. Is she still here?