Godcard [Roleplay Thread]

Raul opens the door for Lily, waiting for her to step in the car

She enters the car.

Raul starts the car and starts driving towards the library

That coffee wasnā€™t worth 20$ in my opinion

Lilian: That was clear enough. You could buy the same cup for half at the cafe beside the library.

Raul suddenly turns to a more shadier, smaller street

A shortcut, I have places to go, this way is faster.

Lilian: If you say so.

No suspicion is built up.

Raul stops the car in an alleyā€¦ and turns over to Lily

Soā€¦ I have to ask you somethingā€¦

Lilian: Yes?

Where are they? She doesnā€™t recognise this part of the city

Itā€™s a ghetto area, rarely visited by normal working class people.

Will you hand over your card and join the organization that seeks to gain all of the cardsā€¦ for ourselvesā€¦ ordinary people do not deseve themā€¦ we doā€¦think very carefully about your optionsā€¦

Raul grabs his knife that Mabel gave him from his pocket and locks the doors

Id rather go the easy routeā€¦

Lilian: ā€¦Mr. Raul, please think carefully whether you really want to do this or not.

She tries to open the doorā€™s lock and the door.

As she is busy opening the door, Raul goes in for a strong punch right to her face, the card gives him increased strength

the confined area of a car makes it hard to move freely. Lilian tries to block with her hand, but sheā€™s too slow. A bruise appears from the contact with her face. Her glasses falls down.

Lilian: ā€¦ Donā€™t blame me if Iā€™m being impolite. Exoba!

The chair explodes. The impact destroys even the car windshield.

(Mind explaining oocly wtf just happened?)

Raul flies out of the car, most of his face burned by explosion, he hits a brick wall and is laying there, almost dead

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(Read Lilian cs~)

Lilian gets off the car. Her shoulder is bleeding. Her glasses is broken, but otherwise, sheā€™s fine.

Lilian: Thank you for the tea, Mr. Raul. I donā€™t think you are welcome for anymore councel.

She calls a hospital to come. Shortly after, an ambulance comes and brings the two of them to a hospital.

(I didnt know basic glyphs were so strong.)

Raul is taken to the hospital, he is officially pronounced dead by the doctors soon after

Matthew moves to the Librarian he greeted before.

ā€œexcuse me sir, ms. white told us he points to jacob to ask for Albert Quinn. Could u tell us where we find him?ā€

Librarian: Ah, Iā€™m Albert Quinn. How may I help you?

ā€œI got a Package with my Name on it with 2 cards in it.ā€ Matthew pulls out his Black Card Can u tell me something about it?

Librarian: As you can read in the business card, Olympus Group has chosen you to be the holder of a godcard. The card grant magical ability to its holder, you see.

ā€œWait a secondā€¦Olympus Group? Magic? u dont really believe that stuff or?ā€
Matthew starts to paying lesser Attention. He feels fooled because of that magic thing

Magic? in the modern world? is he fooling me?