Godcard [Roleplay Thread]

(Yeah.) Jacob looks as the car departs with Lilian in it suspiciously.
“It’s that mobster again…”
Jacob turns to Matthew and introduces himself. “Jacob Keyes! Nice to meet you. Shall we go find this Albert guy?”

Lilian: Chaos is expected during any transition. Second generation is not bad, for myself.

Matthew, Matthew Raigel. Yeah we should. I have a few Questions im concered about.

enters the library and is searching for the librarian from before

Jacob follows Matthew in search of Albert.

Raul arrives at the cafe and smiles

So… here we are… the GolD cafe, quite expensive as I’ve heard, but all expenses are on me. The least I could do.

After making an appointment with Ryan Thomas continues practicing

How is this even supposed to work! He aims at a can with his hand and suddenly shoots wind from his hand blowing the can away

That’s nice, now something more useful huh.

Continues practicing wind magic and manages to get one more succesful, if you could call it that

He creates a gust which he can control with his thought even tho it is pretty weak

This will do for now, I’m exhuasted tho. Checks his watch Also high time to leave for lunch.

Albert is the librarian he met before. He’s now sitting behind the receptionist desk

Lilian gets off the car and adjusts her glasses. It’s good that she has the rest of the day off.
Lilian: What a pleasant surprise.

Raul walks in the cafe and tells the waiter

A table for two, one black coffee for starters and whatever the lady wants.

Raul puts 30$ in the waiter’s pocket, and whispers

And I want them pronto

He pulls the chair for Lily so she could seat

After you…

Lilian: Thank you.

She sits down. She still harbours distrusts at Raul for what he did last night, but no animosity nonetheless.

Lilian: Jasmine tea if you have them. Not too strong, please.

The drinks are brought fast, just as Raul asked. He takes a sip of his coffee and says:

So, tell me about yourself, what do you do when you’re not working, on your freetime?

Lilian takes a sip. It’s a bit weak.

Lilian: Reading. I visit bookstore every two weeks and buy books to read. I don’t go out much aside from that.

Interesting… and how long have you worked for the Olympus Group?

Lilian: Confidential. Information about Olympus Group is restricted from public.

I understand, I am just interested since I’ve never heard of them before getting my card…

finishes his coffee

Lilian: I would be surprise if you have.

Takes another small sips.

Raul looks around and looks at Lily

Well, this sure was fun


I hope you realize that I ain’t a aggressive brute, it was just personal stress and all… I was a mercenary company leader for 6 years… that stuff changes a man, yknow?

Lilian: Indeed?

She finishes her tea.

Lilian: Don’t get me wrong, I have no grudge toward you for your action last night. I won’t tolerate any violence in the library, but outside of there, you are free to act as you wish.

Thomas orders quit e a few pancakes and eats them up relatively fast. He pays the bills and then leaves, heading to Interpols regional office in NY.

Thank you for your tolerance…

Raul shows the waiter that he wishes to pay, it was 20$

Damn expensive coffee, but anyways. Ill drop you off, where do you want, the library?

Lilian: If you’re willing.