Godcard [Roleplay Thread]

Librarian: It’s fine, it’s fine! It’s an accident, no?

Uhm what happend here? Thomas approaches the 2 men standing around the desk

Librarian: Nothing to worry about. Just someone that underestimate his strength. Right, Mr. Matthew?


“Ehm…yes…an accident…haha…thank u for ur guidance Mr. Quinn. I think…i need a drink…whispers: “or two”… i come back later”
Matthew leaves the library

He seemed in a hurry to get out of here shrugs

Thomas shows Jacob to the section with the grimoires

Here are books that contiana ctual practical and useful information. You want me to show what I can do?

Mary receives the package probably in the same way everyone else does, I assume so anyway, she decides not to visit Lilian immediately, and instead gets a refreshing glass of water

Drynold gets the box the same way aswell, it fell from a truck and he already viewed the contents, and took the cards.

Eh, I’ll head towards the library

While heading towards the library, he takes the ghetto area route, in order to get there faster… What he found instead was a car that was in an alleyway, most of the front is destroyed from an explosion. The police haven’t arrived yet, so Drynold decides to take a look.


Inspecting the car, what does he find?

Mary freezes the glass of water, then gets a tupperware container and fills it with water

(whenever the in game time is evening/early night i’ll roleplay my character returning home through a dark alley :^) )

(You could go through the same alley where Drynold’s inspecting Raul’s “murder” and have us interact"

(True, and then we can both be mugged together! :smile:)

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Somewhere, a young girl sits watching her far more beautiful older sister get all the attention. She tries to distract herself by playing with the sand but to no avail. I wish I was beautiful. She knew how she looked, she had a sweet complexation with dimples but she was nothing more than cute. She had no breast development to speak of, even though she was reaching the age of thirteen, and her face was plain, it would take weeks of cosmetics to wipe it off.

Sighing the girl gets up to go to the bathroom when she bumbs into a man in a suit. She offers a quick apology when the man looks at her and frowns. He takes out a card and looks at it.

“No, that can’t be right.”

The frown deepens.

“Miss. Would you possibly be Misty White?”

The young teenager’s eyes widen and she nods.

“Strange. Well, I am supposed to deliver this package to you. Good day.”

Without wasting anytime, the man gives her the package and leaves.

Misty looks at the package, perplexed, and then opens it. Inside are two cards. One white card and one black card.

She takes the black card and looks to see the figure of a beautiful woman on it before the card explodes in a blinding flash!


The blinding flash subsides as Misty screams and backs away. She blinks away the aftereffects.

“What the?!”

So shocked is she by the flash that she fails to notice the fact that a woman’s voice is coming out of her mouth instead of a girl’s mouth nor does she notice that she now has round, healthy breasts blooming out of her once flat chest. She goes to pick up the card, confused.

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Misty blinks, looking at the card and reading it.

“User will immediately become the embodiment of beauty and sexuality regardless of age or sex?”

“What is this?”

Someone whistles at her but she thinks it’s for her sister so she doesn’t notice.

It already starts to fade, but a series of hieroglyph is written on the chair.

Once again, the sun sets in NYC. The news is still filled with the topic of emerging talented individuals all over the world. The myth of a Saviour Angel has spread in NYC, saving people on the verge of death.

Lilian rests in her apartment. She texts Olympus of her current condition before going to bed. She won’t be able to work at the library for a few days. Looks like Albert needs to replace her for a while. She hopes he would visit her before tomorrow.

Cal smiles as he makes his round in hospitals. Looks like he has gained quite a name. Saviour Angel. It has a nice ring to it.

Misty goes back to her parents, unaware of the whistles.

Her sister looks at her, jealous.

"Back from your “potty break?”

(I have no idea how to respond to this)

(Me either.)