Godcard [Roleplay Thread]

What the fuck?

She nearly drops the card when she notices the other card. The white one. She reads it.

_The White card seems to be a business card.

You have received the power of the ancients. The card is at your disposal and for you to decide what to do with it. Be minded that damage to the card may potentially reduce its power. Questions? Ask Lilian White for details in City Library

It says on the back. The front of the card has the writing Olympus Group on it._

What the fuck is the Olymbus group?

Setā€™s Eyes?

I can see peopleā€™s sins now?

Yeah right.

ā€œIt is true, my dear.ā€

A scholarly looking man approaches her.

ā€œThe power of the card is very real. Try it yourself.ā€

Mabel scoffs and looks at him.

Okay, Iā€™m looking at you now. Still see nothing.

ā€œYou are not really trying. You must feel something is different after you hold the cardā€
The man insists.

She holds the card and looks at him.

Still got nothing.

(Love how at first you donā€™t know how to use the card.)

Raul looks at the card and feels the effects almost immediately, he seems to feel differentā€¦ but he doesnā€™t really know what it could beā€¦

He walks outside as usual and he immediately is stopped by the Police, Raul is being charged for assault apparently, but suddenly he starts feeling the effects once more, he feels more confidentā€¦

Hey, what if I give you 50 dollars and we forget about this, Iā€™ve got work to do, and so have you.

Usually, that kind of stuff wouldnā€™t work, but the officer suddenly accepts the money, and goes on his way.

Whoaā€¦ that worked? Iā€™ve gotta see that Lilian White woman at the library, I need to know more about thisā€¦

Raul takes his car and drives to the library, he enters the buildingā€¦ What does he see?

Mabel suddenly feels something come over her as she stares at the man, and suddenly, in a flash, she sees all the sins the man has commited in twelve days.

What are those sins?

ā€œN-no way!ā€

The man begins to mutter to himself.

ā€œPretty sure they told me it will workā€¦ Did something go wrongā€¦?ā€

He turns to her again.

ā€œDo they leave any contact behind? Anything?ā€


The day at the FBI regional office of NYC went by realitvely dull. Apparently forensic analysis of the ahs found at the crime scene of the ritual killings ā€œdoesnā€™t existā€ a friedn of Thomas however know sthe ash is created as residual energy. Too bad no leads turnt up and decided to go home.

Thomas looks at his watch and sees itā€™s not too late to pay that Miss White a visit at the library.

On his way to the library Thomas takes a better look at the black card, and sees the figure of Merlin and some text, what is the text?

( just pretend that the man saying that stuff was before that )

A huge library. It has a circular design with a second floor.

The clearest sin is his lies toward the museum curator about not feeling well. Moving further behind, he cheated on his wife at a bar. Petty pilfering. Littering. And most of all, lies.

_The figure Merlin is present there. The writing Merlin, The Arcane Wizard is written below it. Basic Spells and an explanation of it exist behind the card.

He walks around, he looks for anyone working there, does he find Lily?

Whoa! What the fuck!?


No. It seems she has gone home.

He flinches hearing her voice.
ā€œI-itā€™s normal for people to lie everyday! And who says that I cheat with my wife?! You have no proof!ā€

( oh right, she went home lmao )

I saw it.

She goes back to that day to get a clearer picture.