Godcard [Roleplay Thread]

Is sleeping in his appartment when smebody knocks on the door. Thomas got up, put some clothes on and answered the door but to his surprise there was no one except a box.

I didn’t order anything, guess it must be wrong delivered.

Upon closer inspection Thomas notices the box has his name written on it, he decides to pick it up and take it inside. There he opens the box and finds two cards.

The black card has the figure Merlin on it. Merlin, The Arcane Wizard was written below the picture. A search at the back of the card reveal the writing Basic Spells and explanation for it.

The White card seems to be a business card.

You have received the power of the ancients. The card is at your disposal and for you to decide what to do with it. Be minded that damage to the card may potentially reduce its power. Questions? Ask Lilian White for details in City Library

It says on the back. The front of the card has the writing Olympus Group on it.

Raul is currently having a drink at the bar, he seems relatively relaxed while still examining the room.

I probably should pay Miss White a visit sometime soon.

He looks at his wristwatch realising that he should leave for the office to grind another day on this weird killings case. The FBI rarely asked interpol for help, but this case indeed is a weird one.

Guess I’ll go to the library tomorrow.

Thomas took a shower, put on his suit and ate his breakfast, then he left for work, putting the cards in his pocket, still feeling strange from touching the card that had merlin on it.

Lilian is off her shift after noon. She feels strained. She hasn’t turned off her Time Sense all the time she worked. It’s a bit early for a drink, but she visits a bar and order a glass of dry martini

Raul sees Lilian and tells the bartender

Order that lady there a second dry martini, let’s see where the drinks will take her.

Raul hands the bartender the money

The bartender gives her a second glass. Lily raises an eyebrow
Bartender: Compliment of the guy over there.

He points at Raul

Lily: Thank you.

Raul walks up to Lily, taking a nearby stool and takes a seat and says:

So, haven’t seen you around here, you seem new here.

Raises out his hand for a handshake and smirks.

I’m Johnny, Johnny Barvado.

The name is silly. Obviously a pseudoname. She can tell that the time is 13.22 over four seconds. She shouldn’t waste another second.

Lily: A pleasure to meet you, Mr. Barvado.

She gingerly takes his hand.

Raul looks at the interesting woman and seem suspicious, he takes up his phone and sends a text to a friend who owes him a favor to follow her around for a bit. Raul then says: ((Sorry if it seems a bit too convinient for Raul to just have such a friend ))

Another drink? Do you have somewhere to go, honey?

Lily: It’s none of your business, Mr. Barvado. You should go home. It’s too early to be drunk.

She leaves the second glass untouched before walking back to her apartment condo

Raul’s friend, Burt starts silently following Lily. He takes pictures and tries to stay as unnoticed as possible

takes the box and fucks off

Is working within a museum, listening to music as I am cleaning a statue of Seth. I am in the gift store.

While Raul’s friend is busy, Raul heads starts walking towards his apartment, he sees a box in front of his door, His name is on the box. Looking confused, he opens the box and looks at what’s inside, he sees two cards.

What does it say on the cards?

While going about her business Mabel notices a box addressed to her. Perplexed she takes the box and opens, revealing a single card with the figure of Set.

What does it say on the card?

The figure of Set is there.
Set, The Egyptian God of Desert, Violence, and Disorder is written below the picture.

A look at the back of the card reveals the writing Set’s Eyes with explanation.

Suddenly, she feels somsthing different. It’s like a sensation registered from an astral sense.

The figure Al Capone is there.
Al Capone, Chicago Boss Mobster is written below the picture.

A look at the back of the card reveals the writing Mobster Bribery with explanation.

The White card seems to be a business card.

You have received the power of the ancients. The card is at your disposal and for you to decide what to do with it. Be minded that damage to the card may potentially reduce its power. Questions? Ask Lilian White for details in City Library

It says on the back. The front of the card has the writing Olympus Group on it.