Godcard [Roleplay Thread]

Sure. I’ve learnt a few things sicne I got my card. Thomas pulls a blank sheet of paper out of one of his pockets turns it into a ball and put it down 20 feet away.

Pay attention or you might miss the next part. Thomas aims with his hand and shoots a mana ball at the ball of paper

(What exactly does a mana ball look like?)

(thats a good question lol. Lets go with small spherical blue?)

Jacob is a bit startled by the unknown blue mass flying across the library. “Eh!? … Interesting. What was that? and shall we get started on searching these grimoires for useful info?”

That was a mana ball, I’m sure I put the grimoir eon it here somewhere Looks aorund and then notices a familiar looking book Ah here it is! You could learn this. let’s see if there’s something else to learn.

Thomas picks up another grimoire from the shelf, what does it say (is this one with unknown language or not and context)

(I’m a bit better)

Lilian is woke up from her sleep by a call

Lilian: Yes? How should I help?

A young man in his 20s is sitting behind the receptionist desk.

It’s that grimoire

Special news report: Two dead police officers found dead on an alley on Jameson’s street. Witnesses spotted a figure with a black mask quickly leaving the area soon after the murders.

M: I’m looking for a “Lilian White”

Drynold takes pictures of the hieroglyphs that are on the chair

This is… odd, I’ve never seen anything like this… I should check in with the library, see if they mean anything.

Drynold starts walking towards his car and enters it, he starts driving towards the library.



Oh this Book… well I’d say you could learn something from this but as far as I know nobody can translate it. Shows Jacob some pages that are all written in a mysterious language.

Albert: She’s currently unavailable. I’m her temporary replacement. How can I help you?

Lilian: Do you have any problem with your card? It would be better for you to visit the library in person, ma’am.

(Sorry about the decrease in activity)

You need to help me. I’ve … changed.

Jacob examines the book closely (Is there anything he recognizes or is it all gibberish?)

Lilian: There’s little I can do over the phone, ma’am. We could schedule a meeting at the library in a few hours if the case is really urgent.

It seems to be written in a kind of code, but the translation would only result in arcane language and not english.


(Damn this forums for not understanding shouting!)

Jacob is going to take the Grimoire with the strange code and put it in his bag. He bids farewell to Thomas and begins to walk home.

Since the sun has started to set (I’m assuming) Jacob takes a shortcut home through a nearby alleyway. (This is where i’d run into Monkke’s second character probably)


Lilian: Then I’ll meet you as soon as possible.

She closes the phone. The bandages covering her wound are fresh, but even the act of raising her hand makes her wince from the pain. But she needs to go. Not only as an agent of Olympus, but also as the holder of Thoth.

Misty makes her way to the libarary, now being bombarded by hoots, whistles, and catcalls.

(I just realized that both of my character’s names begins with M.)