Godcard [Roleplay Thread]

Yes we did and well I came to the library to find Lilian so I could ask some questions. By the way who is the man behind you?
The ball of paper is still hanging behind thomas in the air because of a mid-air whirlwind.

(uhā€¦ by library do you mean hospital? lol)
ā€œThis is Drynold.ā€ Jacob motions for Drynold to introduce himself. ā€œAnd Lilian isnā€™t here. She was discharged earlier today. Weā€™re heading back to the library.ā€

Mary notices Misty and Lilian talking

Thoughts because I canā€™t work out how to underline:
Hottie Alert Hottie Alert Holy Fuck What the Fuck How is a Human Being that Hot!?

Offers a handshake to Thomas

ā€œDrynold Storm, private investigator. Iā€™m looking into this matter aswell.ā€

Suddenly Drynold grabs his card and focuses on it, he looks at Thomas and you could see that Drynoldā€™s eyes turn light blue and they look straight into Thomasā€™s eyesā€¦ Seems that he knows how to use his card now.

ā€œStrangeā€¦ Youā€™re not evil, but youā€™re not good either. Guess youā€™re out there for yourself ehā€

(nah with the library I meant I was there looking for Lilian and then went to the hospital).

Good to meet you Mr. Storm. Sees that Drynold has a card aswell. Isee, and yes Iā€™m out for myself first, but I search for the truth. Youā€™d be surprised what has been buried.


Misty hands over the card.

as soon as the woman hands over her card, her entrancing beauty vanishes. Sheā€™s still beautiful, but not overly so.

Lilian: Venus, the goddess of love and beauty. The change in appearance is certainly from this card.

She takes a look at Misty and frowns.

Lilian: The effect shouldnā€™t be permanentā€¦ Could it be a defect?

Mary shakes it off and leaves

The moment Lillian touches the card, there is a flash of blinding light and when Lillian blinks, she can tell something is off. 1. Her chest is now heavier and her hair longer and wavier and 2. Misty is still a hot rolemodel, which is strange, because the effect should ended the moment the cards were exchanged.

What are you talking about?

Lilian looks at herself. The card works. But the girl is still a woman.

Lilian: The card here is magic to simplify things. It grants magical power to the last person that touch it, but the effect shouldnā€™t be permanent. Normally, you would return to normal once I touch this card.

What? But then ā€¦ how am I still like this?

Lilian: I think the card is a defect. The procedure is strict, but this kind of things could happen still. Iā€™m afraid I canā€™t turn you back to normal. At least not in a short time.

Cal is walking down dark alleys on purpose, looking for people on the verge of death to cure and build up his myth.

Misty takes the card.
There is something else too.
My sister is acting as if everything about me is normal.

Mary heads down a dark alleyway as a shortcut back to her apartment, coincidentally itā€™s the same alley that Cal is in

Lilian: The card couldnā€™t really affect people thst way based on its ability. Maybe your sister is just weird?

When he hears Maryā€™s footsteps, he senses an opportunity to reveal his identity and reap the benefit. He has found an old hobo wheezing from pain and he bends over him.

As Mary passes through, he starts to heal him. In the middle of his act, he feigns surprise, as if he doesnā€™t notice her before.

Cal: Oh, darn- I mean, evening. Why are you passing through here at this time? Not really safe for woman.


Itā€™s a shortcut back to my apartment

Lilian: I should contact the HQ about this. Please be patience for a moment longer.

She returns the card to Misty, albeit a bit hesitantly.


Cal: Oh, um, well, then, I should probably guide you. Itā€™s really not safe.

He gives her an insincere smile.

Iā€™ll be fine