Godcard [Roleplay Thread]

The police arrive with ambulance to investigate the situation

(Polik RP the officers)

Raul looks at Mabel.

“You surely are a crown jewel. I appreciate for helping me.”

Thomas gets Drynold up hanging over his shoulder and drags him tot he ambulance but officers quickly take over from Thomas.

“Let’s get out of here, the police will be here soon enough.”

“Thank you.”

Mabel flicks her hair again.

Mary hangs up

Drynold wakes up and sees Thomas

“Wha-What happened…?”

In a whispering voice so the officers don’t hear it

They got away, you got shot in your hand before the other cardholder appeared and knocked us somehow against the wall and then they fled just vanishing in thin air.

Drynold sighs

“Damnit… we were so close…”

“Let’s go to my apartment, you can crash there.”

Not so fast Holmes, the paramedics will decide whether you go home.

Approaches the paramedics.

So what’s gonna happen to Mr. Storm?

Mabel nods and follows.

Drynold chuckles

I could use some medical help hehe.

The medical staff inspect Drynold and put him into an ambulance

Drynold yells to Thomas

“I’ll call you tomorrow!”

Raul steals a random car from a farm and wires it to start it, he drives it to town and parks it to a random place, he and Mabel both walk into his apartment

"Alright… It might be a bit messy but you can sleep on the couch, unless you want to sleep with me

Laughs and throws a pillow to Mabel, while walking to his own room

“I don’t think we are that far into the relationship hon.”

She takes the pillow and goes the couch.

Raul goes to his bed, puts his gun under his pillow and falls asleep.

The goons both wake up, and they disappear to thin air

Thomas scratches the back of his head

He doesn’t even have my phone number heh.

Thomas quickly uses google to search for NYC PI and finds Drynold storms number, sending hima text with his phone number so Drynold can call him indeed back.

Thomas realizes he has no way of getting home when he realizes Drynolds car is still here.

Well, the least I can do is use it to get home and then go to him tomorrow with the car so he doesn’ thave to get all the way out here.

Thomas gets into Drynolds car, starts it and drives home.

Mabel drifts off to sleep.

Thomas parks the car in the alleyway behind the appartment building and enters his appartment where Thomas inspects himself in front of the mirror.

That crazy Woman almost broke some of my ribs for gods sake. Thomas touches his back. No, not broken just gonna be one hell of a spot.

Thomas walks up to his bed when he faints and collapses from using too much energy…