Godcard [Roleplay Thread]

Mary heads to the address

is in his house drinking his morning coffee

It’s an untasteful magic shop with glaring sign on top of it that says, Delphi Magic Shop. A woman with wild fizzy hair greets her.

Shop Assistant: welcome to Delphi Magic shop! How can I help you?

I’m looking for Lilian White

Shop Assistant: Ah, a reading. Of course, of course. Come here for a moment.

She leads Mary to a door draped with curtains. The room is large, but apart from a table with a crystal ball on it and three chairs in the middle, it’s empty. A man’s voice comes from crytal ball suddenly.

Librarian: Greetings. Lilian is currently unavailable, but I can replace her as needed.

Mabel stirs from her bed and turns toward him, then jumps._

“Yikes! You’re a frightening sight!”

Raul looks at Mabel and says:

“That’s what happens when the wrong people possess the cards. Anyways, enough about me, do you want any coffee with breakfast?”

“Sure. I need the energy.”

She gets up and takes the coffee and drinks from it.

“Ah, so good.”

After ending his phone call with Drynold Thomas leaves his apartment and heads to the library to find Lilian. Arrived at the library Thomas sees it’s undergoing some construction work, odd, very odd.

The door has a paper on it about card consultation having moved to Delphi Magic Shop. Thomas heads to the shop in the hopes of finding Lilian.

It’s an untasteful magic shop with glaring sign on top of it that says, Delphi Magic Shop. A woman with wild fizzy hair greets her.

Shop Assistant: welcome to Delphi Magic shop! How can I help you?

Raul puts on his mask

“Today, we will get Lilian White. We will get our other card and our enemy will be gone.”

I’m looking for Miss. White, is she here?

Drynold wakes from the hospital and uses Lilian’s number that he has gotten, he calls her

“Ms. White? Do you have time to talk for a second?”

Shop Assistant: Another reading! Come in, come in!

She takes him to the same room Mary is in.


Lilian just posts her mail from the post office when he calls.

Lilian: Gladly. I’m currently off duty, so I would reject face to face consultation, please understand.

Drynold seems a bit nervous

“I have reason to believe that Raul Long will come after you. You will need protection, there was a reason why he was at the crime scene, and getting the police will simply scare him away to hunt you somewhere else… Let me call a friend of mine, we can’t have another person die to his crew.”

Lilian: I’m aware of his intention. I have made several precautions as well. There would be no need to worry.

She has no idea of Mabel’s involvement

Drynold sighs

“Are you sure? Have us come by your apartment, provide protection. It can’t hurt…”

Lilian: Won’t he notice? It would only make him more frustrated.

Thomas follows the shop assistant to a room with a table and a woman

Hello who are you?

Drynold: “A few private figures should be fine, but having anyone “official” will draw attention. I can do this silently with my friend.”