Godcard [Roleplay Thread]

The shop assistant pauses for a while, but shakes her head

Shop Assistant: The dead is dead. I refuse to disturb the dead after all is gone.

@Monkke @Polikshadowbliss
Lilian blinks. She finds the situation similar to when Raul had taken her.

fine. If not for you, then for them. If they’ve moved on and are at peace I wont be able to see them, if not then i can help them. a bit of a dramatic tremble Please.

Jacques arrives at the library.

The library is closed. It seems to be under construction.

Lilian Consultation temporarily moves to. Delphi Magic Shop

Shop Assistant: What do you know of him? Nothing at all. He would be in peace as long as he got what he wants, which he did have when he died.

She answers sharply.

Shop Assistant: Please leave.

It’s an old magic shop with a glaring sign on top of it. A woman is debsting with a man inside.

Jacques changes direction and walks to Delphi Magic Shop.

“Ok, well, get well soon then!”
Walks over to the seating area and sits down, to sip his tea

I head into the library following the dirt trial

sorry. im used to people actively grieving at the graveyard, and oftentimes they usually want/accept the help even if they dont outwardly seem that way. Ill leave it alone.
Marcus leaves the room and tries to find Sybill

The trail ends there, but the library is under construction.

Consultation temporarily moves to Delphi Magic Shop

A sign says followed by an address.

(ooh im definitely staying around enough to run into fade)

looks around asking anyone if they have seen a dead body

An old woman basking under the morning sun mention of someone smelling like cemetery’s dirt walking to the magic shop

(oh, did he see what i left behind when i dug up 'ol pops)

heads to the magic shop

Fade sees Marcus exiting the shop

Oh. Hey G. I mean… Uh… hides behind the closest object (no matter what it is) so badly its comical

he walks over to the hiding simon and smells him

After finishing his tea, heads out of the store and starts trying to get his memory of the city back by walking around it.

Jacques arrives at the Magic Shop. He searches for the entrance.

It’s an old magic shop with a glaring sign over it. The sign says open. A teen is crouching behind a street lamp while a man is standing beside him.