Godcard [Roleplay Thread]

Jacques looks at the teen and the man but pays no attention. He enters the magic shop.

A distraughted woman greets her.

Shop Assistant: Welcome to- do you come to shop or to consult?

(him hahaha)

Jacques analyzes the shop and the woman.

Iā€™m looking for a uhhā€¦

Jacques takes out the white card.

ā€¦A Lilian White?

He puts the card back into his inner coat pocket.

hides even harder

Shop Assistant: The room behind the curtains.

She points at a doorway with curtains draped over them

Jacques looks at the doorway, and quite hastily pushes the curtains aside and walks in.

The room is barren apart from a table with a crystal ball on it surrounded by chairs. A voice comes from the crystal.

Librarian: Greetings. How may I help you?

Jacques looks at the crystal strangely.

I must be going crazyā€¦

Jacques shouts out towards the assistan: Hey! Thereā€™s no one in here!

Librarian: Fine, fine.

A hatch opens, revealing a bright young man in glasses.

Librarian: Iā€™m tired of the crystal ball act anyway. My name is Albert. Lilian is currently unavailable, so Iā€™m here in her place. How can I help you?

@Agentboin @Monkke @Polikshadowbliss
Lilian is back in a car with Raul, but this time, Mabel sits next to her.

Thomas and Dreynold is just outside the freezing apartment.

Jacques pulls out both cards from his pocket and shows them to Albert.

I want to know why I got this trading card. How did you find out where I live and where to send me a trading card? Why a trading card? What is this all about?!

Mabel takes out a knife and thrusts in her side.
ā€œTry anything and this goes to your throat.ā€

The librarian chuckles

Librarian: To simplify things, itā€™s magic. This is all about magic.

He takes the crystal ball from the table

@Polikshadowbliss @Monkke
Lilian: ā€¦is that not what would happen to me if I comply?

Librarian: The card you hold is called godcard. The card is manufactured by Olympus Group. It grants magical power, as it state at the back of the card, to its holder.

A slight smile emerges on Mabelā€™s lips.

ā€œPerhaps. Perhaps. The boss adheres to a certain code, so I donā€™t know what will happen to you. If I were you, I would try to savor the last few breathes you have left.ā€

(come on @FadeBlade not again)

Lilian: That would be the instinctive reaction of all living beings, wouldnā€™t it?

ā€œIndeed. It would.ā€
She frowns.

Lilian: But humans are not so simple. Ideals, sense of justice, feelingsā€¦ sometimes those aspects overcome our primal instinct for self preservation.

A slight smile appears on her face.

Mabel says nothing, just looks at Raul.

(I am waiting for my results to see if I smell anything from you)

He walks down to the local library to try and learn stuff about his past