Godcard [Roleplay Thread]

Jacques looks at Drynold’s pocket, sees the outline of the card, but instead of grabbing it, he unsheathes ‘his’ knife, and in one swift move, throws the knife at an invisible target, in front of Drynold.

Drynold, due to his quick reflexes, catches the knife and looks behind him. He can’t see anything.

“Whoever you are… come out! Coward!”

With interest in the superhuman ability, Jacques unblends. It looks like he is stepping out of the shadows, as he says slyly, in a tone that brought about trust and honesty:

You need me as much as I need you. The Olympus Group is a mystery, shrouded in darkness. I don’t believe they have good intentions. They don’t seem to care about who radiates goodness. To them, we’re all the same, and I want to get to the bottom of this.

You’re powerful, and you seem just. Together, the Olympus Group is hardly an obstacle. What do you say? Will you join me in enlightening this shroud of darkness?

Drynold throws the knife to the ground.

“I wouldn’t have used a knife against you anyways, but you’re evil, I saw it in you. Why would I help you?”

(we’ll have to wait on @FadeBlade to answer you because i am currently cowering)

Don’t judge a book by its cover. Perhaps I do have some evil thoughts, here and there, but in the end, I can help you. What is it you are looking for?

Answers, like me?

Whichever of those, or anything else, two brains are better than one. I can get you your answers, I can bring you your justice, but I will need answers. I want your help in finding the Olympus Group.

Drynold sighs and walks up to Jacques

“You will join me in getting those bad cardholders. Only then, we can find what Olympus is up to, maybe they’re encouraging them, I don’t know. Get some rest now. Give me the number.”


Jacques writes down his number on a piece of paper.

Here, we’ll meet tomorrow and discuss what we know.

Without awaiting an answer, Jacques blends back into the darkness as he walks towards his apartment. He arrives, and calls it a day as he falls into his bed.


Drynold nods, and walks back to the bar. Ordering another drink, he seems relatively happy.

The door to the pub or bar opens and everyone freezes. In walks the most beautiful woman anyone has ever seen, her very presence seems to hold the room in sway. In sharp contrast to her body though, the woman immediately tucks herself in and goes to the furthest corner, muttering

“Stop looking at me.”

Drynold notices her and cannot believe his eyes. He looks at her for some time and then goes near her

“Alright people, it’s not the first time you’ve seen a woman.”

Drynold walks up to the bartender, takes a chair, look at Misty and says:

“Have a seat, you look stressed.”


She takes a seat, hugging herself, almost as if she is trying to make her breasts disappear.

Drynold looks at the bartender, ordering a beer for himself

“What would you like? A cider, perhaps?”

“J-just some water.”

Her voice is quiet. Like a child’s.

Drynold raises his eyebrow and orders some water for Misty

“So, what brings you out here? You alright?”

“I’m fine.”

“Why are you talking to me?”

She cuddles closer to herself.

Drynold laughs a tiny bit

“I could use some company around here, all the guys around here are selfish pricks. Haha.”

“… you are not talking to me because of my boobs, are you?”

Drynold seems confused

“Of course not… wait, how old are you…?”
