Godcard [Roleplay Thread]

Heads over to the magic shop

Jacques sits down, adjacent at Drynold.

Another card user?

He takes a sip of his scotch.

Drink up bud, let’s have a chat.

Mabel turns to Lillian and then looks at Raul.

“So, what to do now? Kill her?”

Her voice is unsteady when she says the word ‘kill’, she has never killed someone before.

Drynold looks at Jacques. His eyes turn light blue, and he looks straight into Jacques’s eyes. He sees that Jacques is an evil character. He sighs and says:

“Sure man, why not? Are you a cardholder too?”

(please have your character intervene between us. we/Marcus needs interaction with another character)

(Where are you two then, how will I find where you are?)

It’s an old magic shop with a glaring sign on it.

Two men are fighting near the entrance

@Polikshadowbliss @Monkke
Lilian lets out an inhumane laugh.

Lilian: Now you sit and watch, dear. I will show you a portion of what Set is capable of.

Whoa! What’s going on here?

Out of sudden, Raul barges back in. Puts the gun on Lilian’s head and says:

“Goodbye bitch.”

Raul pulls the trigger.

(If you wanna do some quick shit Dama/Polik do it now.)

Mabel at that exact moment, screams and slits Lillian’s throat.

Jacques notices the blue glare from his eyes, but hesitates to say anything… For now.

Indeed am. Perhaps we can help each other.

What do you know? Fill me in…
I, for one, called Lilian White. She is… Unavailable. A man answered, and I got nothing out of that.

Drynold looks at Jacques.

“Well shit. Raul and Mabel got her, she’s gonna be dead if not already. Listen, I know what kind of a person you are, so leave me alone and fuck off please.”

Drynold drinks his shot, and gets out of the bar, he walks down an alley to get to an another street.

mumbles to self: What is with everyone fighting

She utters one phrase. Yet somehow, it is not just a word.

“Isfet” (chaos)

The gunshot blows her head. Blood flows from her slit throat. But a purple glyph hovers in the air. The cabin starts to shake. The wood slowly crumbles, turning to dust, or sand if one look closer.


Raul grabs Mabel’s hand and runs towards the car

“Get in!, quick!”

Mabel immediately turns to sand and drags Raul out of the cabin.

Jacques thinks to himself: Raul and Mabel?

He knows shit, I’ll follow him.

Jacques walks out of the bar, but, through his blend ability, steals a knife from a table on the way out. He sheathes it in his pants, and walks out, following Drynold into the alley.

He blends with the darkness of the alley, lightens his step, until he is inches from Drynold.

When they look behind, the cabin is no more but a pile of sand. The effect still spreads

Drynold at first looks behind him, he doesn’t see anything and keeps walking.

Mabel takes Raul and runs like heck. Traveling at 60 kmh