Godcard [Roleplay Thread]


At the time, at the graveyard. The Saviour Angel opens his mask.
Cal: Heh. Easy fame nowadays. And to think I can reach 4th gen just by tricking old ladies… Let’s try it.

He moves over some graves.

“Raise undead!”

Some of the graveyards show reactions. Skeletons, zombies, raise from the ground, crawling, scratching. A large part of the graveyards are not disturbed, however.

Cal: Hm… Looks like I can’t get them all. Hey, don’t get too close!

The zombies begins to limp over to him, ignoring his words. Cal reads his card again in a panic and curses.

Cal: Shit. It only says summon, not control. Better scram!

He puts his angel mask in his bag before running away.

Albert: You can say that. Olympus Group is the group that made the godcards, you see.

I see

hears the zombies outside the graveyard

runs outs to see what is happening

(you’re still with me outside the shop i think)

(if you still want to do that i can go with it)

(it became night so a lot of time passed lets just assume I took you home)

:man_shrugging:follows G

Albert: …but they sever all contact with us and send us our pension. And Lilian…

Muriel lets out a small sob

Albert: From what the news said, she could be in mortal danger or dead.

@FadeBlade @Simon
The cemetery is basically crawling with undeads. They are not really strong, but their sheer number is terrifying. Cal is running full speed ahead with a pale face.

Cal: Shit shit shit shit shiiiit! Oi, Fade! You got a shovel? I think some of this f*ckers are not really dead yet!

he runs to a shed and gets 2 shovels and hands his kid 1

I know it hurts but we gotta re bury these people were they belong

is still in shock of freaking zombies
uhhh… G, do you have any idea how these people are even here???

looks away from (his name please remind me simon) and uses deaths sight on them


The undeads lifeline had expired long ago; They are not supposed to be alive. Cal runs behind Fade

Cal: Is this normal? Does cemetery have dead people party once every blue moon?

One could appreciate his acting skill if they know he is the one to cause this. However, he is also genuinely scared.

no cal they are not

Heh… Heh…
walks over to behind shed
Hey pops… I hope this works…
the world fades and Marcus’ spirit looks over at the zombies

Lil is just being a stalky girl at the cementary and starts humming her song

Marcus I am gonna handle this. … Marcus? he turns back to see Marcus gone

Cal: Oh, thank f*cking god. Should I call the police? They can call me crazy, but I don’t care as long as thry help me.

The undeads have no souls; They are empty husks.

Her humming attracts a group of undeads. A dozen skeletons approach her.