Godcard [Roleplay Thread]

Cal: Uh… Magic? Tell the truth, I got a magic card here to do that.

He breaks a skeleton’s arm

Alice: The road is usually silent… Can you treat me to a drink?


A voice calls when she’s at the door.

Albert: Although we are no longer Olympus Agent, we still want to help as much as we could. Don’t hesitate to come if you need help.

Jacques wakes up from his slumber due to the notification from Drynold. He reads it quickly and saves the number, jumps out of bed, dresses quickly, and drives off to the marketplace.

he thinks for a few seconds. ok magic I got it defeat the living dead 1st talk later

he uses his shovel to defeat as many zombies as he can

Thank you

She goes home and googles “Raul Long”

Drynold looks at Alice a bit annoyed.

“I’m sorry. There’s something important going on. You can join us if you wish, but we have to hurry.”

Drynold gets in his junk of a car now and starts it. He texts the others to meet at the graveyard.

“Thomas, get in.”

he makes sure to stay on the defence to avoid getting hurt

Your car better not blow up on the way He gets in.

Jacques sees the new message.

Graveyard… Why would what be?

He changes direction abruptly towards the graveyard as he texts back: On my way.

Cal keeps using his strange fighting style to fifht. However, it’s obvious he becomes more tired with time.

The most recent article is about Raul Long disappearance after a car accident. His driving companion, Lilian White, denies any knowledge of his whereabout.

Alice: Thankss.

She climbs to the rear and lay down on the couch


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She looks into the article further

Drynold drives to the graveyard, he sees Jacques just arrive as he does. What does he see at the graveyard with the people?

Cal: Yeah, I think we should- whoa! That’s a close one!

One of the skeleton almost puncture his neck.

Cal: Run away?

The article explains that Lilian White and Raul Long are acquaintances. They were driving home from a cafe when the engine suddenly blows up. Although Lilian refusesto comment on the content of her meeting, a certain gossip in the library testify that Raul had been seen dragged out of the library unconscious at night. Of course it’s speculative.

@Monkke @Daericul @AgentBoin
*There are a lot of zombies and skeletons from afar.

A girl is running toward the eastern gate

Sounds of fighting can be heard near the resident of the gravekeeper

MY HOUSE grabs Cals hand and drags him to his house

Mary tries to dig up as much information about the incident as possible

(theres a difference between if and if-and-only-if. i.e. what you said is this: if they arent zombs, they have souls in the grave. that doesnt mean that zombs dont have souls, just that non-zombs do)
is paralysed while cal is fighting
then he goes over to the spirits
I know you all are unrestful, but you need to help! please stop these corpses! they’re trying to kill the rest of us and i think you guys can help!

Drynold gets out of his car and sees the card shine… He quickly checks it and sees that he gained gen 3:

“Blast of Justice: Ability to fire a “pulse” like blast from his palm, which does mostly knockback damage. It damages evil characters the most, while damaging neutral characters less, and not affecting good characters at all”

Jacques parks the car and gets out. With a whistle, he remarks:

What a sight…

“I don’t know.”

For some reason, Mabel is smiling.

“I guess we got unlucky, I suppose.”

(Are we anywhere near the zombies?)