Godcard [Roleplay Thread]

Seeing Mary doesn’t back away, the cat growls and pounce at her with its claws drawn. The claws look sharps. More so than usual. It also shines. Which is not usual.

Mary grabs the cat and starts freezing it

The cat thrashes around and tries to mauls her face. Its back starts to freeze, but its vigorous movement keeps breaking the ice

She tries to freeze its legs

a cold, hard thing punches Mary on the face. The cat is strong. The ice prevents it from biting her

Thomas fires a few more manaballs at the slow undead who each crumble to pieces upon hit. It would be easier to undo the necromancy by killing the person who did this or having the person that did it undo it, but that person wouldn’ tbe around anymore if s/he had any good sense. Using his tracking ability he can see the amna isgnature of the undead. However the mana signature appears to be familiar, where have I seen this before?

Not paying attention an undead is coming form behind to attack Thomas…

Mary throws the cat against a wall

The ice breaks on its paws. After letting out a final hiss, it jumps from wall to wall until it reaches the roof. Distinct mark can be seen at the concrete where it was.

Mary feels her card getting cold, she takes it out to see it, once again, covered in ice, the ice shatters to reveal even more text

Oh now that is cool

she heads home

starts attacking the skeletons THEY ARE DESTOYING MY HOUSE!

Cal: No shit! We should block the door or we’re pigs walking into a slaughter house.

Mary freezes a small ice clump from the air, then tries to see how big she can make it

he kicks the door open GET IN EVERYONE

G! Can i have my card back please?

there are undead attacking our house and your priority IS A MAGIC CARD?!

She’s able to make a ball as large as a basketball. It’s a bit heavy

@FadeBlade @Simon
Cal: Magic card?

Cal’s eyes glint with greed temporarily before he surpresses it

Cal: Fade’s right, kiddo. Trading card later. Surviving first.

He pushes Marcus firmly and follows Fade’s lead.

resists no! this does help!

they all enter the house So what the hell do we do in the mean time?


Or should I say, N-Ice