Godcard [Roleplay Thread]

(one would think a father figure wouldn’t take away an object that obviously brings their ‘child’ joy whilst causing nobody harm)

(he has not read it yet or questioned Cal about it because he said magic card)

(ok just the way you were saying it made me think he would never give it back)

(I may not depending on your abilitys)

(these cards are more then a toy)

(go into spirit world when near a dead person, and have mild and manual control over your body whilst there)

Drynold looks at Alice and says:

“We’ll drink after you help us! Come on people, let’s help the people at the graveyard”

He runs towards the graveyard building, using his blasts to clear any zombies on his path

Okay, now we’re getting somewhere

She heads back to the shop

Ah damn it, alright.

Jacques activates blend, and as he does, his card vibrates, he brings out his card before following Drynold and reads his gen II:

“Deceitful form: The cardholder conjures two illusions of themselves, imitating the cardholder’s every move. They cannot interact with their environment however.”

Oh, so this is how it works.

Jacques returns his card to the pocket and runs after Drynold, using his new ability to confuse the zombies and skeletons to move out of the way, as he remains hidden with blend.

There are only a few undead near the house, but some are coming over hearing the noises. Some skeleteon are scratching the doors to no avail, but more undead can probably break in.

A small voice over the cloud laughes looking at the boy’s gullible trust at his guardian and his ignorance to human’s greed for power.

The zombie notices the mana ball, but it was too slow to react. The zombie gets destroyed, leaving behind tattered clothings and gross skins.

@Monkke @Daericul
Alice: Waaait

Alice follows Dreynold, Thomas, and Jacques taggeringly, occassionally hitting undeads with her bottle. It looks like skill but she’s just drunk. And lucky.

The shop light is on, but the neon sign is unlit. A man exits the shop with Muriel seeing him off.

Muriel: Thank you for coming! Ah, Miss… I think I don’t know your name, but I didn’t think you will be here so early.

McDonald, Mary McDonald

I was wondering is if you could give me Lilian’s address

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Muriel: Ah, of course Miss Mary. Her apartment is

she tolds Mary the address

Muriel: I think the police would still be around given what happen today… Be careful. The night is not safe.

I’ll check it out tomorrow then

She heads home

Drynolds offers his hand to Alice

“Grab my hand!”

He fires a pulse at a skeleton. He uses his ability to look around more efficiently, who does he see?

The night is getting old. The sound catfights can be heard. However, the sound are noisier than usual, with clashing of metal trashbins. The neighbours are not coming out to complain, strangely.

Mary goes to investigate

In the alleyway she enters, the garbage bin is toppled over. Dents and scratches are all over its surface. A grey tomcat is growling at a cornered sleek black cat, the latter bring obviously wounded. Hearing her footsteps, the grey cat turns its head and snarls. On a better inspection, it is almost twice as large as a normal cat.

That’s a big cat

The cat hisses and arches its back. The black cat uses the opportunity to run away.

How does a cat get that big?