Godcard [Roleplay Thread]

She comes in, tucking her card back into her pocket, her left arm is limp by her side, as it has been for the whole encounter, not super duper important but worth pointing out

“So Mabel, shall we go? The graveyard’s waiting us. The others can come too if they wish.”

“Yes. You two stay here. Get to know one other.”

I’m Julia, by the way

This is to Raul more than anyone, it’s possible she thinks Mabel already knows her, which she might

“Juilia? Aren’t you that neighbor who had that cat?”

Raul nods

“Good to know.”

Yeah, it wasn’t mine I was just looking after it but yeah that was me

(sorry am back, phone died)
(The state is finding new foster parents for her)
If I threw a knife at you, you most likely wouldn’t live past the hour

Raul chuckles.

“Do it. Or you can’t stay.”

Okay, she takes out a knife and throws it has his knee If I was trying I wouldn’t have thrown it there. It would have been at your neck

The armor completely blocks out the knife and Raul picks up the knife.

“Not bad, not bad at all.”

Be careful with that thing!

She takes out a cigerette and starts smoking

Raul walks up to Lil and takes the cigarette.

“Not inside. Be respectful.”


“Mabel, we have to start moving.”

Mabel nods and goes outside.

Why are you going to the graveyard, you don’t look dressed for a funeral

Raul looks at himself.

“I do have a suit, don’t I?”

He opens the door and starts walking away

“You two younglings be good here.”


Raul walks up to Mabel and says:

“Uhmm… We still don’t have a car.”

Next time you do that I won’t aim for the knee…

I’m 19 i’m not a youngling

I can take my old foster parent’s car. Not like they’ll be needing it