Godcard [Roleplay Thread]

Jacques notices the exchange of the card. He keeps in mind where Simon keeps his card.

You are cardholders too?

Drynold sighs and fires a few blasts at the nearby zombies.

“She is a burden…Anyways, No, I don’t know what it was… But who are you? What are you doing here?”

While asking the question, he uses his ability to check if Albert is good, neutral or evil. His eyes glow light blue.

Gravekeeper must be in the house. I’ll hea dthere and cover you guys form there.

Thoma sstarts running towards the house and blasts some undead with a few mana balls on the way.

Drynold nods and continues holding his position, defending Alice and Albert

Albert: The name is Albert. We should really go.
He’s neutral

Seeing Mary, he calls to her
Albert: Miss Mary, you should join us. If I’m right, things can be a bit messy.
He follows Dreynold.

Right…what the hell’s going on?

Julia arrives at the graveyard

With one hand Thomas shoots a nearby undead to dust and with the other opens the door of the house.

He sees 2 guys inside talking to each other.

What the F*ck ar eoyu guys doing in here instea dof fighting these zombies???.

Thomas turns back around to cover Drynold, Albert and Mary.

Albert: Undead, Miss Mary. Pray it’s not somstjing worse.

(@Simon Just waiting for ya to take the card, since Jacques sees this happen.)

Undead!? As in Zombies!?

Albert: And skelwtons. Hopefully that is all…


Julia arrives at the graveyard and sees…?

Albert: Magic undulation.

Drynold walks up to Julia and says

“Stay clear. It’s dangerous here.”

He’s using his ability to spot things better, is he able to spot Julia’s card?

Julia’s card is sticking out of her pocket slightly

Drynold spots the card and looks interested. He uses his eyes to see whether Julia is evil, neutral or good. His eyes start glowing light blue.

He sees her alignment is evil, arguably at the moment it could veer towards neutral but evil’s probably the main part

Drynold sighs and says:

“Welcome to the party… enjoy it…”

He starts walking away to fight the undead once again.
