Godcard [Roleplay Thread]

“The rest of the people are near the house over there. You might want to check it out.”

I’m looking for some people specifically

Drynold raises his eyebrow


One of them’s my neighbour Mabel, I don’t think I caught the other guy’s name

Drynold hears the name Mabel… his face goes pale

“N-No idea.”

He runs away and starts fighting the undead for good

The hell’s his problem?

She looks around to see if she can see Raul or Mabel anywhere

She can see a car near the street, it’s not on and it’s in the shadow so she can’t see whether there are figures inside or not.

She approaches the car

Raul sees her and pokes Mabel. He stays still


“Oi, that neighbour’s here again.”

Lil uses "The Senate on the skeletons to try to make them fight each other

takes card
I will show you in a moment, but we have guests
clears throat and puts on a forced cheerful tone
Hello, how may I help you? If you are here for a funeral just nod and we can make this as painless as possi-normal tone did you say ‘card holders’?


(Internal conflict won’t cause that, soz bb)

(Brain is broken, blame high school :stuck_out_tongue: )

Yes, like the one you’re holding now… And you haven’t by any chance noticed all of the zombies and skeletons outside have you? That seems to be the more pressing matter.

Where does Marcus keep the card?

Lil sees people in the house and is gravitated to it because she recognizes someone there.

he is clearly here about the undead problem we are having Marcus so no need for that

She knocks on the door

are you a zombie if not don’t say brains

She hammers on the door louder Let me in, two people want to kill me.

(is this serial killer girl?)