Godcard [Roleplay Thread]

Drynold quickly checks Cal’s alignment. His eyes glow light blue

“Quite strong, but frankly… One can’t do it alone. You need allies.”

(Marcus is Simon’s character idk)


I see, and you are looking for allies, are you?

(not neutral evil?)

Drynold might notice Mary being suspicious of Cal, or maybe not who knows

Raul nods

“If you have what it takes.”

Drynold nods, quickly spotting Mary bring suspicious. He walks up to Mary and does the same thing
@JammySplodge I guess a 2nd time won’t hurt. Drynold Storm, nice to meet ya"

That depends what it takes

And what you’re planning on doing with the power once you have it

Drynold sees Mary’s alignment is Good

what are you doing?

Mary McDonald, nice to meet you too

“You see, the problem with everything is that everyone can do whatever they want. We get the cards, and we start gaining more power, first, we influence businesses, then the cities and finally… nations themselves. The Outfit would have influence around the whole world and we can do whatever we want.”

Drynold smiles and nods

why are your eyes glowing like that and what are you planning?

That’s certainly an interesting proposition

can you 2 focus on the problem at hand with the undead tearing down my house? if they get in we are all but dead

Drynold looks and says

“A way of investigation. Helps with my job. I plan to help the innocents, but I don’t know about this group here”

With that, his eyes glow blue once more and he checks Fade’s alignment

(he is neutral) what the hell are you doing to me?

“If you’re interested, then get in the car. If not, then get out. And don’t think about saying anything, we will find the people who have wronged The Outfit.”

Drynold nods

“Seems like you’re mostly out for yourself and the people close to you.”