Godcard [Roleplay Thread]

Needs a better name

She gets in the car

Raul gets in the car aswell and once more they start observing

donā€™t claim to know a person you have met for 5 minutes

(@Damafaud can we have the undead slowey tear down the house to get in?)

J: So what can your cards do, anyway?

Drynold chuckles

ā€œThat is a fair point, but as you probably are a cardholder too, I think you know that someone would have such an abilityā€

ā€œYouā€™ll see after things get interesting hereā€

how am I probably a card holder?

He points to Albert

ā€œAfter what he said and using some common sense, my assumption would be correctā€

are you suggesting I rose the undead to attack my own home?

my job is to make sure everyone who dies is respected when they die. not destoy all that

@FadeBlade @Ami @Monkke @JammySplodge @Simon
Albert was going to answer, but the sudden creaking of woods stops him. The undead is slowly destroying the house. The sound of a window breaking can be heard from another room

Albert: Can we stop and start focusing on killing these creatures?
Hesitantly, he aims at the hand trashing from the windowā€¦ and shoot.


@Monkke @PolikShadowbliss @JammySplodge
A gun shot shoot off

Drynold looks confused

ā€œYouā€™re, right. Your type wouldnā€™t do so, especially near your home.ā€

Lil goes to the stairs and starts aiming at Albertā€™s neck

ā€œWhat the hell are you doing?ā€

A hand grabs her arm

Cal: Donā€™t think of anything weird, kid. Now scram before I use you as a fodder.

Nā€¦nothing! I donā€™t want to see them

runs up to cal as he hears thisl what was my guest planning?

Mary throws the ice ball she was carrying at Cal

Donā€™t even think about it

(corrected typo)

Drynold fires a few blasts, mostly protecting Alice and Mary