Godcard [Roleplay Thread]

Mabel turns to sandform and rushes at Dynold at top speed. Throwing him backward and prone.

Étaín hears the gunshots and decides to investgate, she figures nothing wrong is going on just a gun range with bad insulation (She basically knows jackshit about Amercia, so expect her to be stuipd in here)

Jacques cuts into a nearby alley, as he saw what happened. He conjures his throwing knives, and runs silently in the same direction as Drynold.

Drynold gets right back up and shoots a blast at Mabel, it does extra damage to evil people, hence Mabel should be knocked back a lot. The goons start following Drynold as he starts running away after the blast

Étaín is walking at a normal pace to the gunshots, she isn’t tired

Raul sees Etain, he is still a bit dizzy from the blast. He prepares himself

Mabel gets up, heaving. And runs after Dynlod. Activating her fifth gen. Within five seconds, she is encased in armour resembling Set as she dashes toward Dynold.

She see whats going on and pisses herself she mumbles to herself Remind me why I immigrated here again brain? Even the brits would be better than this…

Drynold focuses his blasts on Mabel and uses both hands, the knockback should give him time so he starts running. He finds a nearby door to an apartment building. He enters it, the goons follow him shortly after.

Raul: “Leave.”

What the hell are you doing!

Raul: “None of your business.”

When Mabel recovers, she jumps onto the third floor, smashes a wall and throws herself inside.

Jacques runs into the street, and searches for Drynold. He doesn’t find him.

“Shit, I lost him.” He mutters to himself.

Well considering you are attacking someone I say it is.

Raul backhands Etain.

“I said. it’s none of your business.”

(Again, the considerable lack of shock in this girl is atonishing.)

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(She’s seen worse bar fights :wink: )

Both of the goons catch to Drynold, Drynold grabs his gun and manages to shoot one in the leg, crippling him. Drynold uses his blast on the other one. Drynold manages to run down the stairs and starts running for the other door. He’s close.

She punches him in the face You really wanna do this?