Godcard [Roleplay Thread]

While backhanding her, Raul uses mobster influence on her. Making her more afraid of him.

Raul feels nothing, due to his mask being made from titanium.

Jacques hears the gunshot blasts from an apartment building to his right. He quickly turns to the right, knives ready for throwing.

Due to her enhanced senses, Mabel can hear him. She goes to the floor above his. And smashes through it.

If she is afraid, she isnā€™t showing it How about you and me grab a beer and we not hurt each other

Raul chuckles

ā€œGive me your number and maybe I will.ā€

Havenā€™t gotten an American phone number yet She winks

Drynold gets hit by Mabel. He quickly recovers and uses a blast on her

ā€œLeave me be!ā€

Raul laughs

ā€œYouā€™re giving the number, not meā€

Still donā€™t have a phone for here yet, unless you wanna pay long distance fees

Mabel is barely knocked back by the blast, the armour cushioning the blow. Using her strength, she grabs him and throws him over her shoulder and then jumps down.

(what I meant by that is she doesnā€™t have a phone that you wonā€™t have to pay long distance fes)

Raul checks his watch

ā€œOh shit. Gotta go. Weā€™ll see eachother later babeā€

Raul takes his SUV and starts driving towards the other side as quickly as he can,

She blows a kiss See you later~

Drynold uses a blast on the ceiling, making it come down to slow Mabel. He has time to run out of the building and run on the streets. He plans to call the cops. He starts dialing

( Ɖtaƭn X Raul OTP 2018 :stuck_out_tongue: )

Mabel jumps onto the ceiling and uses her strength to come down to his floor.

Jacques sees Drynold dash out of the building. He takes the knife on his right hand, and throws it at Drynold. It misses.

A moment later, it returns, penetrating deep into Drynoldā€™s spine

(So you are aiming for THE GOOD GUY?)

(Yeah pretty much. Jacques is chaotic evil, he doesnā€™t care about Drynold)