Godcard [Roleplay Thread]

(you asked me to play at the library yes?)

(Oh yeah, lol)

ā€œI never threatened anybodyā€ he says in a mocking tone
then what do you call pulling a knife on me after asking me to ā€˜playā€™?
just in case, Marcus grabs a scalpel(/sharp object) nearby

heh, lets talk privately laterā€¦ she dozes off

im not letting that happen!
he shakes her with slowly-increasing vigorous-ness

She is not waking up

now that that was settled, and the anger is dying down, the tears came back as Marcus sat down by G
(is there a nurse there right now or something?)

(hey dama can you rp a nurse for simon?)

A nurse is around. He looks conflicted

uum. hello

Nurse: Um? Ah, sorry. Can I help you?

(please say if he is using consolation tactics/other to calm me down, as marcus would recognise that since he uses them a lot to help people grieve)

(i know it hasnt happened yet, just saying)
yes. do you know how long hes been asleep?

Nurse: The doctor says heā€™s currently in critical state, but his condition is stable, so there is nothing to worry about.

He answers, trying to soothe him

he chuckles, then sighs you cant pull that on me, i work in the graveyard. now tell me the truth please. I wont get mad, i understand youā€™re doing whats needed

The nurse pursed his lips

Nurse: We donā€™t know. Heā€™s lucky to be alive for now.

well thatā€™s good. Im glad hes stuck with us for now
you wouldnt happen to have/know where his possessions are, would you?

(simon donā€™t be a dick and do that)

Nurse: Are you a relative?

(well as far as he knows youā€™re dying for one. for two, he heard someone say that you may have had a card. if/when you come back heā€™d definitely give everything back)
(also, did you ā€˜officiallyā€™ adopt marcus?)
if im not, im as close as he has to one. and me him, for that matter