Godcard [Roleplay Thread]

(I need my card to fight cal you have no reason to believe other then a may. don’t take his stuff away from him)

(I will die if you take it away so don’t do it)

(well, considering that just before you were kinda berating him for having one, wouldn’t you be a little curious? plus, he’ll probably just pick it up, read it, and leave it, thus technically transferring the powers, although he wont know that, but still letting you have it)

(Logic dictates he will tho. Hospital doesn’t keep patient’s possession for prolonged time with. Also Cal doesn’t want to kill Fade)

(but I want to kill cal)

(simon don’t take the card)

(oh right he probably wouldnt want anyone else to have it)

(defying teenager intensifies)

(simon just don’t)

(That’s passion rules reason. Go with reason)

Nurse: Do you have identification?

(just so you know if the card is taken away I am just gonna stop roleplaying with you all. its boring if I lose my powers this way)

(Fade it’s not like you can’t ask for it back. Also everyone can lose their cards. Injuries is one of the way)

(but that means me getting shot had no purpose in the end and it was wasted)

(I refuse to have that be a pointless thing that happened)

(you can also get them back)
um… not really?
(fade, did you technically adopt me?)

(I can but I won’t be able to fight cal the one fuckin reason I took the shot)

(Learn to adapt. I hadn’t planned for Cal to be revealed, but as others find out, I go with it. Not all plans will go as expected)

(i promise you that if Marcus has your card and you ask for it back, except for some questions, he’ll give it back)

(I am not gonna rp anymore this sucks)

(would you at least answer the occasional questions from Marcus if/when you die? not many, but at least enough for you to get a sound exit)