Godcard [Roleplay Thread]

he looks over at lili why are you smoking inside my house? he does not look like he got much sleep

Because I can and I will. Never saw a no smoking sign

he takes it out of her hands I am the sign now do you have school or anything along those lines?

I mean if I went to school I would be expelled in a heartbeat

Raul calls Mabel.


“Hey, we’ll need to meet. I have some plans in the works”

Drynold is staying busy with the Iron God project

Lucille gets on the bus to new york high

Let’s see what have I done learning wise in school, nothing

she is sitting with her friends

I’ve never went to school this year, It’s pointless

do you have other place to stay right now?

Other than the forest not really Her left side of her face seems more red and the eyepatch is a werid red color

what is wrong with you? your face is going red

anyway I must ask you to leave now. me and my son have a lot to do today

W.hat do you mean? She fiddles with the eyepatch who were some people at the cenmentary when shit went down

he opens the door for her as you know even since last time me and marcus have a lot to do today so I ask you leave

I mean I could help

no thanks

You sure? I mean I have nowhere to go… also you never got back to me about my proposition

you mean some sort of alliance. what would this alliance even do?

Make sure nobody gets too strong with them, balance is what keeps the world stable