Godcard [Roleplay Thread]

waves the white card around in all honestly I have no clue my self

The woman takes a glance at the card and presses a button

ā€œPlease wait in Reading Area B on the second floorā€

sigh heads to the reading area why am I even here? I mutter undermybreath


The receptionist approach Fade

ā€œIā€™m Lilian White. Pardon me for tricking you at the front, but it was necessary.ā€

She takes a seat in front of Fade and adjusts her glasses

ā€œAsk me if you have any questions.ā€

summons a shade in front of her what the hell is this?

She doesnā€™t look surprised by the shade

ā€œThe shadow creature, or magic in general?ā€


ā€œTo answer your question, that seems to be a type of shadow creature. Seeing how it is dormant, it may act as a servant. As for your second questionā€¦ā€

She stops for a moment to compile her thought

ā€œMagic existed once upon a time, but with the founding of technology, it slowly died away. The card you hold is Olympus Group way to repurpose magic back into humanity.ā€

orders the shade fly around the room

The shade flys around the room

guess it does act as my servant

why did you need to trick me tho?

ā€œBecause I want to.ā€

A smile appears on her face

ā€œItā€™s fun seeing peopleā€™s disbelieving face when I introduce myself as the one they are looking for.ā€

She pauses for a second

"Although Iā€™m a bit disappointed in your reaction.

so this group of yours is bringing back magic?

Exactly. You may expect some magic users around.

shows her the hades card I was given this card

do each magic user get a card assigned to something?

Exactly. Each card is given to those who are attuned to the figure they represent. The more similarity between the figure and the user, the faster the card power can grow.

in this card shows the white 1 it says the cards could be damaged

Yes. They are durable and water wonā€™t ruin them. That is the reason why they are stiff like credit card. Just donā€™t expect them to survive a fire.

now I have been given the hades card. sadly I donā€™t know much about him so could you explain him to me?