Godcard [Roleplay Thread]

Certainly. As I said, Hades is the Greek God of the Underworld. His realm is within the shadow, darkness, and everything in them. He is known to be a fair judge who rarely disturb the world of the living. One of his well known story is his kidnapping of Persephone, the Goddess of Vegetation and makes her his wife, but he never break a single law in the process.

She takes a book from one of the shelves. She puts a bookmark on one page and gives it to him.

You can read it more here if you’d like.

how does one kidnap someone without breaking a law?

He asked permission from Zeus, king of all god. Be minded that Zeus is a huge womanizer as well.

so get permission from zeus and anything is legal?

The system was absolute monarchy, so yes.

you said the power of the card can grow

Yes. The more you use your power, the card generation will increase. A new power would be given at every generation.

anything else you think I should know?

Hm… it’s seven past fourteen minutes and twelve seconds as we speak.

This is my power. Now, let me borrow your card.

hands her the hades card

Lilian takes the card and summon a shade.

Put my card on this man’s hand.

The shade takes the Thoth Card from Lilian’s pocket and gives it to Fade. Suddenly, he becomes aware what time exactly it is, what date it is in moon and aztec calendar and numerous time related information

The card gives its power only to the last person that touch it. However, only attuned users can increase a card’s generation.

hands card back

so I could use my shade to steal someones card hands the thoth card back

You can do that.

anyway thanks ms white. is that all we need to discuss?

Like Thoth, I’m only here to consult. I should think that covers the basis of everything. The time is exactly seven eighteen. A pleasure to meet you, Mister…?

Fade. I have forgetten my true name

(ment fade)

A pleasure to meet you, Mr. Fade. Nurture your power and may you succeed in your path.

gets up and shacks her hand thanks ms white heads out and returns to the gravetard