Godcard [Roleplay Thread]

Wh-when did you get here… mister?

Ah! Where did you get that!?

rushes over to Lillian
I don’t know who these other people are, but can I talk to you alone, please?

from a gut…hehehe

(One of these days, Lil is going to get herself killed, mark my words.)

Raul steps in the library, sees Lilian and makes eye contact with her. He indicates that he wants to talk to her after she isn’t busy

(Lol yeah, I agree)

Cal: Probably going on my round. I’m a volunteer for social work, you see.

@Simon @Monkke
Lilian: Please hold on for a while. Girl, I will not tolerate violence in my library. The exit is open.

She sees Raul, but her eyes are focues on the girl for now.

Wanna play a game?

Lilian walks up to her desk and presses a buzzer

Lilian: The security will see you out.

I just need to talk to you
I jus-I-I-I-I starts to have a nervous breakdown at all the people and the new scene

What’s up with him?

Raul doesn’t mind, takes a chair and texts Mabel

Too many people, meet in me in Taija cafe from a few blocks from here. I’ll give you further instructions after I have Lily

Mabel reads the text, starts heading there.
Texts back
Got it.

Two guards enter the library in a brand new uniform. Looks like Olympus Group is fast to protect their agent. After they see Lilith with her knife, they gesture for her to come with them.

Guard#1: Come along, Miss.

Nah, she cuts one guard across the leg and goes to stab the other one

The guard pushes her arm to the left as she goes to stab in and catch her wrist. The second guard swiftly takes her knife. Professional.

Lilian: As I said, you are welcome to leave.

Mhm, she gets out of their grasp and leaves

The guard tosses her knife into a trash can outside. After everything calms down, Lilian turn to the boy.

Lilian: Sorry for the wait. My name is Lilian White. Do you need something?

Once at the cafe, Mabel sits back and just uses her sin-sight just for the hell of it.