Godcard [Roleplay Thread]

The librarian nods

Librarian: Certainly. You can find Lilian on the second floor, reading corner sector B.

Thank you. Its my first time here could u guide me please?

The librarian is going to answer, but his face lightens up when he sees someone descending the ladder.

Librarian: Lilian! Someoneā€™s here to meet you!

She approaches Matthew and the Librarian.

Lilian: Thanks, Albert. My time is short and I need to keep an appointment. Would you mind if we talk on the way misterā€¦?

Raul drops off Mabel to his apartment for now and drives in front of the library, waiting on Lily

Matthew had a shirt concentration problem till he realizes what she said.

ā€œRaigel. Matthew Raigel. no, no problem. I got something in a Package with ur Businescard in it so i wanted to askā€¦are u sure its for me and not a prank Package?ā€

(pssst dama, what wind magic spells are in the grimoire? :stuck_out_tongue: )

the girl is outside smoking and see Lillian walking

ā€œYes, I think I will.ā€ Jacob stands up from the table and begins asking many questions about the origins and creation of the cards, details on their increasing strength and such. He stops when the librarian approaches.

@Marluxion @Ami
Lilian: No, itā€™s definitely meant for you, Mr. Raigel. Ah, I believe you two havenā€™t met. This is Mr. Raigel and ā€¦Iā€™m sorry, I donā€™t think I catch your name?

She begins to walk out of the library

(Be creative but simple.)

Raul steps out of his car and holds the door for Lily to get in

@Marluxion @RagnaroekIV
Lilian: Ah, thank you, Mr. Raul. Iā€™m sorry to disappoint, but I canā€™t put this off. My number is on the business card. Please call me later.

With that, she enters the car. Another thought passes through her.

Lilian: Try asking for Albert Quinn in the library. He may be able to answer some of your questions.

Raul gets in the car and starts it.

You cool to go?

She takes a long breath and puffs her hair.

Lilian: Yes, Iā€™m good to go.

(this is directed at jacob, yeah?)

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Raul starts driving towards an expensive cafe in downtown

Soā€¦ how has your day been? Any new cardholders?

Lilian: Thereā€™s always some everyday. And the number of troubling cardholders increase quite significantly. I think we will see some havoc in the future.

The girl is sleeping outside because she a bich like that near the cafe

Raul takes a right turn

Havocā€™s never good, but Iā€™m guessing olympus group only cares about users getting the cardsā€¦ any upgrades on your card yet?

ā€œehmā€¦okayā€¦thanks ms. whiteā€¦ā€
Matthew feels a little bit bad because she had an apointment and he tried to hold her off.

Albert Quinn she said. Well then look for him.
he turns around to go into library again

(sry marl where u outside with me?)

Lil wakes up and orders some tea, because she is a god damn brit (Daily life RPing bois)