Godcard [Roleplay Thread]

(you obviously notice me it was more of a joke. like imagine: a normal streetlamp, and someone crouching behind it 3ft. away from it. of course you see them)

he picks his kid up by the coller DID YOU UPBURY HIM?!

upbury who?

you know full who

squirms put me down!
no. rambling such that its hard (yet possible) to make out the words: I didnt upbury him. at least not all of him. but at least i know for sure that he doesnt care about it. I thought I covered it up pretty well this time, how did you notice?

you left a trial of dirt and smelled off it

Raul stays silent, looks at both Mabel and Lilian, chuckles a bit and keeps driving. He drives to a completely remote forest house

Youā€™re telling me magic exists and this card gives me magic?

Jacques sighs.

Coming here was a waste of time aft-

He pauses for a moment, as he recalls his skin and clothes changing tone and hue, matching the sidewalks and streets he walked through. He examines the Godcard and the Blend ability more specifically.

Tell me more about these cards. How do I make it more powerful?
And tell me more about thisā€¦ Olympus group.

Thomas looks around and sighs.

Itā€™s of no use to chase after them because it will just be the same outcome againā€¦ We need a different fighting plan if we want to save Lilian, and for that I just know what I need. Iā€™ll call you if Iā€™m ready.

Thomas leaves the ruined Apartment and the building and heads home, thinking of possible creative ways to battle his foes.

Drynold looks at Thomas and after he leaves he mumbles:

ā€œAll he cares about is himself, Iā€™ll need a way myself.ā€

Drynold goes to a nearby bar and decides to stay the rest of the day there

The library is under construction.

Lilian consultation temporarily moves to Delphi Magic Shop.

A sign says, followed by an address.

@Monkke @Polikshadowbliss
Lilian keeps silent during the whole journey, though she keeps smiling. Itā€™s a strange smile.

The librarian chuckles seeing his interest.

Librarian: Simply using the power granted by the card can makes the power grows stronger. About Olympus Group, I can only tell you as much as my clearance level allow.

He bits his lips in thought for a moment before continuing.

Librarian: Olympus Group comes into my hearing about two years ago through Miss Lilian. The group has the end goal to repurpose magic into human society. And thus, project godcards.

@AgentBoin @Monkke
Police comes into the apartment building, but they found nothing other than ice. The media comes not long after. Guess who will be on TV after being on CCTV tonight.

Nothing eventful happens to Thomas as he decides to go home.

A bartender approaches Dreynold
Bartender: Busy day?

Julia gets the cards delivered and reads them and is like ā€œneatā€ and goes to the library

The library is under construction.

Lilian consultation temporarily moves to Delphi Magic Shop

A sign says followed by an address2

When Thomas arrives a bit later at his apartment, he notices his card is shining, taking it out he sees a new ability has appeared: Illusions. Thomas starts smiling and starts mocking up a plan. He replenishes his ammo from his stock in his apartment eats some food and then calls Drynold.

"Look Drynold sorry for the sudden leave but I got a plan okay? You meet me at my place Gives an address. We need to dodge police and media anyway. Just be here in a hour. Iā€™ll explain everything in the car.

Raul pulls up his car, throws some rope to Mabel and says:

ā€œTie Lilian. We take her to this cabin here.ā€

The cabin seems abandoned and old. You could hear wolves howling nearby, no one has been here in years.

Drynold seems a bit angry, he sighs and says:

ā€œYeah well, thereā€™s a new cardholder on every corner. And for every person wanting to do good with the card, thereā€™s at least 3 of those who either donā€™t give a shit or want to hurt othersā€¦ I donā€™t know what to do anymore, Iā€™m overwhelmedā€¦ā€

Drynold recieves a call and listens to what Thomas has to say and responds:

ā€œHey man, Iā€™m sorry, but I donā€™t want toā€¦ If you want your weapon back, come to the bar, on Parekh street. Iā€™ll continue this investigation on my own.ā€

Julia goes to the address

Thomas rolls his eyes and sighs, without Drynold his plan is suicide.

You keep the pistol, youā€™ll need it if you want to do your work now that the game has changed forever.

With that Thomas hangs up and sits down. Thereā€™s no rush with nobody backing him up.

Jacques looks at his card.

What do you mean by making my power stronger? Will I get otherā€¦ Powers?

He puts both cards back into his inner coat pocket, although he hesitates. He takes the Godcard out and hides it in his right shoe.

Safe enough for nowā€¦ He mutters.

He looks back up at the Librarian: And the Olympus Groupā€¦ What else can you tell me about them?

Lilian: No need for ropes. I donā€™t think we would stay here for long.

Bartender: The card seems popular nowadays. Wish I have one. Anything to drink?

Itā€™s an old magic shop with a glaring sign above it.

@Simon @Fadeblade
Two people are fighting outside.

Librarian: Exactly. Although I donā€™t have any idea of what power would come after, a new power will appear after the cardā€™s generation increases, or to use the term, gen-up. The generation is written on the bottom right of the card if you look carefully.

The man wrinkles his nose as he sees Jacques moving his card.

Librarian: Be more careful with the card. If itā€™s damaged, the magic can be gone. As for Olympus Groupā€¦ Well, that is all I know. The group is powerful, but Iā€™m in the dark about most information about it. Lilian would know better.