Godcard [Roleplay Thread]

Drynold looks at the bartender and seems a bit depressed

“Yeah… I could go for a drink…”

Raul looks at Mabel and Lilian then shouts

“I am not taking another fucking risk of letting you do any of that shit. Tie her, take her inside.”

Mabel nods and proceeds to tie her up and then rushes her inside.

Jacques, in one swift move, takes the card out of his shoe. He uses his blend ability to blend the card with his clothes, and keeps it in his hand, pretending to put it back in his inner coat pocket.

Alright so why me?

And I’m assuming there are others out there… How can I find them?

And… When will Lilian be available?

(is that referring to us fighting or two other people)

The bartender chuckles and leave. A moment later, he brings back a pint of beer.

Bartender: Here you go. Cool from the fridge.

@PolikShadowbliss @Monkke
Lilian doesn’t resist.
Lilian: You know, glyphs are interesting. Most of them are lost in time, and yet, some of them are left behind. Stronger glyphs are spread wider.

She turns to Mabel
Lilian: I think you will be interested in this one. Set inspires this glyph among some others.

Librarian: I cannot answer the first question. The selection process is out of my clearance. Even Miss Lilian is in the dark. Card users are spread widely in the world. You’re bound to meet one one day, although I heard that a bar near the library is a famous meet up points. Lilian should be back by Monday. Or you can call her.

(You two)

Raul ignores and grabs Lilian and puts her on a chair

“Where are your cards? Mabel, search her.”

“You can’t do anything right now.”
Neverthless Mabel is concerned, Lillian can see it in her eyes.

Mabel then searches her.

Alright… That’s all the questions I have.

Jacques puts his hand in his inner coat pocket, hiding the Godcard and simultaneously taking the business card out.

Thank you for answering my questions.

He gets up and, as he is leaving in the direction of the bar, dials the number on the business card.

Lilian giggles as Mabel search her.
Lilian: It’s funny when you think about it. I was only supposed to help those that seek it, but then I got involved in this fight. It seems like I’m not fit for Thoth, after all.

Suddenly, Lilian’s phone rings. It’s in her jacket’s pocket.

@PolikShadowbliss @Daericul
Raul notices the pocket ringing and quickly picks the phone.

“Who is this? This is no longer Lilian’s phone”

Puts the phone on mute and shoots Lilian in the toe.

“Shut it.”

Unmutes the phone.

“What is it?”

No longer Lilian’s phone? This…

He looks back at the business card.

Is the right number, and I only got this card earlier today. Well then, who am I speaking to?

Raul chuckles

“A cardholder… interesting…”

Raul looks the number, writes it up and hangs up. Soon after, he’ll destroy the phone.

Mabel continues to search for the card.

Jacques looks at the phone as the call hangs up.

“Weird…” He considers calling back, but decides otherwise. He arrives at the bar, and searches for any visible black cards, as he moves towards the bartender.

One scotch.

Are there any black cards in sight?

Drynold can be seen holding his card, while drinking vodka.

Lilian lets out a strangled scream when her foot is shot. Her expression looks twisted.

Lilian: Don’t you get it? I no longer have the card. I posted it through mail some time ago. To someone I wish could do better than me.

@Daericul @Monkke
Bartender: Here you go.

Jacques notices the black card in Drynold’s hand. He gets his drink from the bartender, and walks towards Drynold’s table. He takes an empty seat in hand.

Is it taken?

Drynold quickly looks at Jacques and starts staring down his drink again

“No, no. Go ahead mate.”

@PolikShadowbliss @Damafaud

Raul punches the wall and shouts:

“FUCK, This always fucking happens to me. Are you fucking serious?! For fuck sake!”

He rushes outside and starts punching, kicking and shouting everywhere.