Godcard [Roleplay Thread]

Raul shakes his head

“I will not run away from a fight anymore! Goon! Shoot at the leg, I’ll take him down myself”

The goon keeps firing at the wolf, the wolf seems distracted, Raul goes in behind the wolf and attempts to do a knife + pistol combo on the wolf’s head. The wolf simply shrugs it off and takes Raul down, biting a piece of his magic armor off. He can’t stay there for long.

A pillar of sand hits the wolf from behind, but it does little to no effect! Mabel then tries to blind it! The wolf snarls in confusion as the sand hits its eyes and it thrashs about blindly.

Raul seems scared but unwilling to back off. He headbutts the wolf in the face with his titanium mask, the wolf seems confused for a bit and Raul has the chance to escape. He shouts:

“Nothing will take this thing down. Goon, shoot harder! We can’t escape this thing, even with sand. It’s too fast!”

Raul and the goon desperately fire at the wolf.

The wolf pounces on the goon and savagely rips the goon’s throat out. Killing the goon. The bullets though, do appear to be slowing it down and it is currently blinded by the sand. Mabel uses her sand again, but this times aims at it’s nostrils. The wolf growls and swipes at his nose furiously. Then they hear something that chills them to the bone. More howls and savage growls. Did they forget that wolfs hunt in packs?

Raul ruthlessly goes for the wolf’s eyes while it’s distracted and puts a bullet in each one. He then hears the pack…

“Oh shit… Mabel, run… I’ll hold them off for you.”

Mabel turns to sand and runs.

The pack is still a distance away but getting closer.
The wolf that Raul is fighting snarls and jumps onto him, maw agape, razor-sharp glistening …

Raul puts his final bullets in the wolf’s head. He attempts to headbutt once more, and escapes the grip, he grabs a rock and jumps on the wolf, starting to smash its skull with it.

Blood starts to spread onto the forest floor as the wolf howls in pain and distress, it tries to swipe and bite at Raul but the armor reflects most of the blows.

Raul shouts:

“Die, die, DIE!!!”

He uses all of his strength to smash the rock at the wolf’s skull. He realizes that the pack is coming even closer, he’s prepared to take his final breaths soon enough…

With a final whimper, the wolf unleashes it’s final breath, and, mercifully, dies.

The pack is getting closer, Raul can hear their snarls and savage howling, coming ever closer. However, they are still some ways off.

Raul realizes that the wolf has hurt his leg. He starts limping away as fast as he could.

The wolves sound as if they are frenzied and start running faster. The pack is closer now and Mabel is nowwhere to be seen.

Raul smiles a bit and says quietly

“Let’s do this.”

He takes a defensive position, he takes the sharpest rock he can find and awaits the wolves.

“I guess this is it, eh…”

They are upon him. The first wolf pounces him, pinning him to the ground, savagely growling, it’s mutated deformed body as it aims it’s teeth at his mask. Two more wolves pounce and pin his arms to the ground, biting and slashing horribly. And two more wolves aim for his legs.

Raul attempts to fight his best against the wolves, but he simply can’t overpower them. His armor can keep him alive for a little while, but it is the end for him.

Raul hears a thump.

His eyes start closing, and he starts to fade to unconciousness soon.

He hears one final thump as unconciousness falls upon him.

Raul is now unconcious.

Darkness is pleasant isn’t it. Very pleasant.